android@localhost:~/Minecraft/MCServer/logs$ cat LOG_1425198665.txt [09:31:05] --- Started Log --- [09:31:05] Creating new server instance... [09:31:05] Reading server config... [09:31:05] Starting server... info [09:31:05] Compatible clients: 1.7.x, 1.8 info [09:31:05] Compatible protocol versions 4, 5, 47 Warn [09:31:06] WebServer: The server is running in unsecured HTTP mode. info [09:31:06] Put a valid HTTPS certificate in file 'webadmin/httpscert.crt' and its corresponding private key to 'webadmin/httpskey.pem' (without any password) to enable HTTPS support [09:31:06] Loaded 391 crafting recipes [09:31:06] Loaded 19 furnace recipes and 55 fuels [09:31:06] -- Loading Plugins -- [09:31:06] Initialised Core v.14 [09:31:06] Initialized TransAPI v.1 [09:31:06] Initialized ChatLog v.3 info [09:31:06] Initialized Block Explosions v.1 [09:31:07] Initialized LimitWorld [09:31:07] Initialized Debuggers v.0 [09:31:07] Initialized ChunkWorx v6 [09:31:07] Initialized DiamondMover v.1 [09:31:07] -- Loaded 8 Plugins -- [09:31:07] All plugins loaded [09:31:08] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 1.00% (4/400; 3.77 chunks/s) [09:31:09] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 2.75% (11/400; 6.90 chunks/s) [09:31:10] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 5.50% (22/400; 10.68 chunks/s) [09:31:11] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 11.00% (44/400; 21.24 chunks/s) [09:31:12] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 15.25% (61/400; 15.90 chunks/s) [09:31:13] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 20.00% (80/400; 18.85 chunks/s) [09:31:14] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 24.75% (99/400; 18.85 chunks/s) [09:31:15] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 29.25% (117/400; 16.84 chunks/s) [09:31:16] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 32.00% (128/400; 10.95 chunks/s) [09:31:17] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 35.00% (140/400; 11.59 chunks/s) [09:31:18] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 39.00% (156/400; 14.98 chunks/s) [09:31:19] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 42.25% (169/400; 12.82 chunks/s) [09:31:20] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 46.25% (185/400; 15.44 chunks/s) [09:31:21] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 51.50% (206/400; 20.15 chunks/s) [09:31:22] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 56.50% (226/400; 19.01 chunks/s) [09:31:23] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 60.25% (241/400; 14.51 chunks/s) [09:31:24] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 63.50% (254/400; 12.92 chunks/s) [09:31:25] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 67.50% (270/400; 15.98 chunks/s) [09:31:26] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 73.50% (294/400; 23.01 chunks/s) [09:31:27] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 80.75% (323/400; 27.83 chunks/s) [09:31:29] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 87.75% (351/400; 27.21 chunks/s) [09:31:30] Preparing spawn (CrazyWorld): 96.25% (385/400; 33.43 chunks/s) [09:31:30] Startup complete, took 24605ms! info [11:25:31] User erik14 authenticated with UUID 80ddc7e19953472282c356465014189f info [11:25:31] Player erik14 has joined the game info [11:27:15] Player erik14 has left the game info [15:28:03] User Diggermat authenticated with UUID cb465a41ccd04f85b6265ce8a475f024 info [15:28:03] Player Diggermat has joined the game info [15:28:03] Received a plugin message from client Diggermat: channel 'REGISTER', message 'FML|HSinfo [15:28:04] Received a plugin message from client Diggermat: channel 'CustomNPCsPlayer', message ' Warn [15:28:17] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:28:17] Stack trace: Warn [15:28:17] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:28:17] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:28:17] Stack trace end Warn [15:28:17] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:28:17] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:28:17] Stack trace: Warn [15:28:17] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:28:17] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:28:17] Stack trace end Warn [15:28:17] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:28:18] Projectile hit block [15:28:18] Projectile EntityID: 195 [15:28:18] Block: {32, 48, 238}, face 1 [15:28:18] HitPos: {32.478693324881, 49, 238.27806275924} [15:28:18] Projectile hit block [15:28:18] Projectile EntityID: 195 [15:28:18] Block: {32, 48, 238}, face 1 [15:28:18] HitPos: {32.478693324881, 49, 238.27806275924} Warn [15:28:19] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:28:19] Stack trace: Warn [15:28:19] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:28:19] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:28:19] Stack trace end Warn [15:28:19] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:28:19] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:28:19] Stack trace: Warn [15:28:19] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:28:19] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:28:19] Stack trace end Warn [15:28:19] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:28:20] Projectile hit block [15:28:20] Projectile EntityID: 200 [15:28:20] Block: {12, 48, 267}, face 5 [15:28:20] HitPos: {13, 48.732158695048, 267.9008037436} [15:28:20] Projectile hit block [15:28:20] Projectile EntityID: 200 [15:28:20] Block: {12, 48, 267}, face 5 [15:28:20] HitPos: {13, 48.732158695048, 267.9008037436} Warn [15:28:22] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:28:22] Stack trace: Warn [15:28:22] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:28:22] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:28:22] Stack trace end Warn [15:28:22] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:28:22] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:28:22] Stack trace: Warn [15:28:22] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:28:22] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:28:22] Stack trace end Warn [15:28:22] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:28:23] Projectile hit block [15:28:23] Projectile EntityID: 201 [15:28:23] Block: {6, 51, 269}, face 1 [15:28:23] HitPos: {6.768998211103, 52, 269.28214311378} [15:28:23] Projectile hit block [15:28:23] Projectile EntityID: 201 [15:28:23] Block: {6, 51, 269}, face 1 [15:28:23] HitPos: {6.768998211103, 52, 269.28214311378} Warn [15:28:25] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:28:25] Stack trace: Warn [15:28:25] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:28:25] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:28:25] Stack trace end Warn [15:28:25] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:28:25] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:28:25] Stack trace: Warn [15:28:25] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:28:25] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:28:25] Stack trace end Warn [15:28:25] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:28:26] Projectile hit block [15:28:26] Projectile EntityID: 203 [15:28:26] Block: {6, 51, 269}, face 1 [15:28:26] HitPos: {6.768998211103, 52, 269.28214311378} [15:28:26] Projectile hit block [15:28:27] Projectile EntityID: 203 [15:28:27] Block: {6, 51, 269}, face 1 [15:28:27] HitPos: {6.768998211103, 52, 269.28214311378} Warn [15:29:20] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:29:20] Stack trace: Warn [15:29:20] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:29:20] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:29:20] Stack trace end Warn [15:29:20] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:29:20] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:29:20] Stack trace: Warn [15:29:20] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:29:20] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:29:20] Stack trace end Warn [15:29:20] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:29:21] Projectile hit block [15:29:21] Projectile EntityID: 219 [15:29:21] Block: {128, 33, 216}, face 1 [15:29:21] HitPos: {128.62403954882, 34, 216.96093731267} [15:29:21] Projectile hit block [15:29:21] Projectile EntityID: 219 [15:29:21] Block: {128, 33, 216}, face 1 [15:29:21] HitPos: {128.62403954882, 34, 216.96093731267} Warn [15:29:21] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:29:21] Stack trace: Warn [15:29:21] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:29:21] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:29:21] Stack trace end Warn [15:29:21] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:29:21] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:29:21] Stack trace: Warn [15:29:21] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:29:21] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:29:22] Stack trace end Warn [15:29:22] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:29:22] Projectile hit block [15:29:22] Projectile EntityID: 220 [15:29:22] Block: {130, 33, 216}, face 1 [15:29:22] HitPos: {130.22981327982, 34, 216.10254050299} [15:29:22] Projectile hit block [15:29:22] Projectile EntityID: 220 [15:29:22] Block: {130, 33, 216}, face 1 [15:29:22] HitPos: {130.22981327982, 34, 216.10254050299} Warn [15:29:23] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:29:23] Stack trace: Warn [15:29:23] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:29:23] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:29:23] Stack trace end Warn [15:29:23] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:29:23] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:29:23] Stack trace: Warn [15:29:23] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:29:23] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:29:23] Stack trace end Warn [15:29:23] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:29:23] Player Diggermat right-clicking entity ID 175, a cCow Warn [15:29:25] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:29:25] Stack trace: Warn [15:29:25] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:29:25] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:29:25] Stack trace end Warn [15:29:25] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:29:25] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:29:25] Stack trace: Warn [15:29:25] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:29:25] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:29:25] Stack trace end Warn [15:29:25] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:29:25] Projectile hit block [15:29:25] Projectile EntityID: 237 [15:29:25] Block: {137, 32, 210}, face 1 [15:29:25] HitPos: {137.44392657088, 33, 210.16105549162} [15:29:25] Projectile hit block [15:29:25] Projectile EntityID: 237 [15:29:25] Block: {137, 32, 210}, face 1 [15:29:25] HitPos: {137.44392657088, 33, 210.16105549162} info [15:31:00] Player Diggermat tried to execute forbidden command: "/help" info [15:31:06] Received a plugin message from client Diggermat: channel 'CustomNPCsPlayer', message ' info [15:31:25] Received a plugin message from client Diggermat: channel 'CustomNPCsPlayer', message ' info [15:31:55] [Diggermat]: t/help info [15:32:05] Player Diggermat tried to execute forbidden command: "/help" [15:32:22] Player Diggermat right-clicking entity ID 239, a cCow Warn [15:32:23] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:32:23] Stack trace: Warn [15:32:23] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:32:23] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:32:23] Stack trace end Warn [15:32:23] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:32:23] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:32:23] Stack trace: Warn [15:32:23] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:32:23] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:32:23] Stack trace end Warn [15:32:23] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:32:24] Player Diggermat right-clicking entity ID 239, a cCow Warn [15:32:25] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:32:25] Stack trace: Warn [15:32:25] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:32:25] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:32:25] Stack trace end Warn [15:32:25] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:32:25] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:32:25] Stack trace: Warn [15:32:25] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:32:25] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:32:25] Stack trace end Warn [15:32:25] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:32:25] Projectile hit block [15:32:25] Projectile EntityID: 299 [15:32:25] Block: {247, 33, 281}, face 3 [15:32:25] HitPos: {247.0592972495, 33.968250338434, 282} [15:32:25] Projectile hit block [15:32:25] Projectile EntityID: 299 [15:32:25] Block: {247, 33, 281}, face 3 [15:32:25] HitPos: {247.0592972495, 33.968250338434, 282} info [15:33:07] Received a plugin message from client Diggermat: channel 'CustomNPCsPlayer', message ' Warn [15:33:21] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:33:21] Stack trace: Warn [15:33:21] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:33:21] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:33:21] Stack trace end Warn [15:33:21] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:33:21] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:33:21] Stack trace: Warn [15:33:21] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:33:21] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:33:21] Stack trace end Warn [15:33:21] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:33:21] Projectile hit block [15:33:21] Projectile EntityID: 373 [15:33:21] Block: {216, 46, 337}, face 4 [15:33:21] HitPos: {216, 46.51266009926, 337.11234338513} [15:33:21] Projectile hit block [15:33:21] Projectile EntityID: 373 [15:33:21] Block: {216, 46, 337}, face 4 [15:33:21] HitPos: {216, 46.51266009926, 337.11234338513} Warn [15:34:14] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:34:14] Stack trace: Warn [15:34:14] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:34:14] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:34:14] Stack trace end Warn [15:34:14] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:34:14] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:34:14] Stack trace: Warn [15:34:14] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:34:14] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:34:14] Stack trace end Warn [15:34:14] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:34:14] Projectile hit block [15:34:14] Projectile EntityID: 465 [15:34:14] Block: {240, 37, 170}, face 1 [15:34:14] HitPos: {240.30731842122, 38, 170.90088014626} [15:34:14] Projectile hit block [15:34:14] Projectile EntityID: 465 [15:34:14] Block: {240, 37, 170}, face 1 [15:34:14] HitPos: {240.30731842122, 38, 170.90088014626} Warn [15:34:16] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:34:16] Stack trace: Warn [15:34:16] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:34:16] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:34:16] Stack trace end Warn [15:34:16] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:34:16] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:34:16] Stack trace: Warn [15:34:16] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:34:16] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:34:16] Stack trace end Warn [15:34:16] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:34:16] Projectile hit block [15:34:16] Projectile EntityID: 474 [15:34:16] Block: {240, 37, 181}, face 1 [15:34:16] HitPos: {240.45766388324, 38, 181.05004078326} [15:34:16] Projectile hit block [15:34:16] Projectile EntityID: 474 [15:34:16] Block: {240, 37, 181}, face 1 [15:34:16] HitPos: {240.45766388324, 38, 181.05004078326} Warn [15:34:18] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:34:18] Stack trace: Warn [15:34:18] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:34:18] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:34:18] Stack trace end Warn [15:34:18] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:34:18] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:34:18] Stack trace: Warn [15:34:18] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:34:18] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:34:18] Stack trace end Warn [15:34:18] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:34:18] Projectile hit block [15:34:18] Projectile EntityID: 479 [15:34:18] Block: {242, 37, 183}, face 1 [15:34:18] HitPos: {242.49033868275, 38, 183.076805275} [15:34:18] Projectile hit block [15:34:18] Projectile EntityID: 479 [15:34:18] Block: {242, 37, 183}, face 1 [15:34:18] HitPos: {242.49033868275, 38, 183.076805275} Warn [15:34:20] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:34:20] Stack trace: Warn [15:34:20] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:34:20] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:34:20] Stack trace end Warn [15:34:20] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:34:20] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:34:20] Stack trace: Warn [15:34:20] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:34:20] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:34:20] Stack trace end Warn [15:34:20] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:34:20] Projectile hit block [15:34:20] Projectile EntityID: 486 [15:34:20] Block: {239, 38, 184}, face 2 [15:34:20] HitPos: {239.5876844744, 38.266661314998, 184} [15:34:20] Projectile hit block [15:34:20] Projectile EntityID: 486 [15:34:20] Block: {239, 38, 184}, face 2 [15:34:20] HitPos: {239.5876844744, 38.266661314998, 184} info [15:35:06] Player Diggermat tried to execute forbidden command: "/kill" info [15:36:30] Player Diggermat has left the game info [15:36:38] User Diggermat authenticated with UUID cb465a41ccd04f85b6265ce8a475f024 info [15:36:38] Player Diggermat has joined the game info [15:36:38] Received a plugin message from client Diggermat: channel 'REGISTER', message 'FML|HSinfo [15:36:39] Received a plugin message from client Diggermat: channel 'CustomNPCsPlayer', message ' Warn [15:37:28] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:37:28] Stack trace: Warn [15:37:28] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:37:28] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:37:28] Stack trace end Warn [15:37:28] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:37:28] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:37:28] Stack trace: Warn [15:37:28] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:37:28] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:37:28] Stack trace end Warn [15:37:28] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:37:28] Projectile hit block [15:37:28] Projectile EntityID: 777 [15:37:28] Block: {157, 45, -215}, face 1 [15:37:28] HitPos: {157.65708717556, 46, -214.38418751273} [15:37:28] Projectile hit block [15:37:28] Projectile EntityID: 777 [15:37:28] Block: {157, 45, -215}, face 1 [15:37:28] HitPos: {157.65708717556, 46, -214.38418751273} Warn [15:37:30] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:37:30] Stack trace: Warn [15:37:30] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:37:30] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:37:30] Stack trace end Warn [15:37:30] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:37:30] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:37:30] Stack trace: Warn [15:37:30] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:37:30] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:37:30] Stack trace end Warn [15:37:30] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:37:30] Projectile hit block [15:37:30] Projectile EntityID: 780 [15:37:30] Block: {159, 43, -210}, face 1 [15:37:30] HitPos: {159.16615903152, 44, -209.66368561643} [15:37:30] Projectile hit block [15:37:30] Projectile EntityID: 780 [15:37:30] Block: {159, 43, -210}, face 1 [15:37:30] HitPos: {159.16615903152, 44, -209.66368561643} Warn [15:37:32] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:37:32] Stack trace: Warn [15:37:32] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:37:32] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:37:32] Stack trace end Warn [15:37:32] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:37:32] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:37:32] Stack trace: Warn [15:37:32] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:37:32] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:37:32] Stack trace end Warn [15:37:32] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:37:32] Projectile hit block [15:37:32] Projectile EntityID: 781 [15:37:32] Block: {154, 43, -210}, face 1 [15:37:32] HitPos: {154.93679839957, 44, -209.1346964538} [15:37:32] Projectile hit block [15:37:32] Projectile EntityID: 781 [15:37:32] Block: {154, 43, -210}, face 1 [15:37:32] HitPos: {154.93679839957, 44, -209.1346964538} Warn [15:37:34] LUA: Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua:98: error in function 'GetClass'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:37:34] Stack trace: Warn [15:37:34] [C](-1): GetClass Warn [15:37:34] Plugins/Core/difficulties.lua(98): (no name) Warn [15:37:34] Stack trace end Warn [15:37:34] Error in plugin Core calling function () Warn [15:37:34] LUA: Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua:11: error in function 'IsPlayer'. argument #1 is 'cArrowEntity'; 'const cEntity' expected. Warn [15:37:34] Stack trace: Warn [15:37:34] [C](-1): IsPlayer Warn [15:37:34] Plugins/LimitWorld-master/Hooks.lua(11): (no name) Warn [15:37:34] Stack trace end Warn [15:37:34] Error in plugin LimitWorld-master calling function () [15:37:34] Projectile hit block [15:37:34] Projectile EntityID: 784 [15:37:34] Block: {164, 41, -206}, face 1 [15:37:34] HitPos: {164.03156015447, 42, -205.0889310976} [15:37:34] Projectile hit block [15:37:34] Projectile EntityID: 784 [15:37:34] Block: {164, 41, -206}, face 1 [15:37:34] HitPos: {164.03156015447, 42, -205.0889310976} Err [15:39:27] Deadlock detected, aborting the server info [15:39:30] Player Diggermat has left the game Err [15:39:30] D: | MCServer has encountered an error and needs to close Err [15:39:30] Details | SIGABRT: Server self-terminated due to an internal fault [15:39:30] Shutting down server...