[11:47:02] --- Started Log --- [11:47:02] Creating new server instance... [11:47:02] cSocketThreads startup [11:47:02] Starting server... [11:47:02] Starting up server. [11:47:02] Compatible clients: 1.2.4, 1.2.5, protocol version 29 [11:47:02] Port 25565 has been bound, server is open for connections [11:47:02] [Server].DefaultViewDistance not set, using a default of 9 [11:47:02] Creating WebAdmin... [11:47:02] Starting WebAdmin on port 8080 [11:47:02] Loading settings... [11:47:02] -- Loading Groups -- [11:47:02] Loading group: Admins [11:47:02] Permission: * [11:47:02] Loading group: Mods [11:47:02] Permission: core.time [11:47:02] Permission: core.item [11:47:02] Loading group: Vips [11:47:02] Permission: core.teleport [11:47:02] Loading group: Default [11:47:02] Permission: core.build [11:47:02] Permission: core.help [11:47:02] Permission: core.playerlist [11:47:02] Permission: core.pluginlist [11:47:02] Permission: core.spawn [11:47:02] -- Done Loading Groups -- [11:47:02] --Loading recipes-- [11:47:02] --Done loading recipes, found 102 recipes [11:47:02] --Loading furnace recipes-- [11:47:02] Got 9 furnace recipes, and 11 fuels. [11:47:02] --Done loading furnace recipes-- [11:47:02] Loading worlds... [11:47:02] cWorld::cWorld(world) [11:47:02] Seed: 1743208232 [11:47:02] Preparing spawn area in world "world" [11:47:02] 398 chunks to load, 0 chunks to generate [11:47:03] cWorld::cWorld(flat) [11:47:03] Seed: 570290763 [11:47:03] Preparing spawn area in world "flat" [11:47:03] 393 chunks to load, 0 chunks to generate [11:47:04] cWorld::cWorld(redstone) [11:47:04] Seed: 654686289 [11:47:04] Preparing spawn area in world "redstone" [11:47:04] 399 chunks to load, 0 chunks to generate [11:47:05] Loading plugin manager... [11:47:05] Loading plugins [11:47:05] Binding /help (core.help) [11:47:05] Binding /pluginlist (core.pluginlist) [11:47:05] Binding /tp (core.teleport) [11:47:05] Binding /item (core.item) [11:47:05] Binding /i (core.item) [11:47:05] Binding /list (core.playerlist) [11:47:05] Binding /who (core.playerlist) [11:47:05] Binding /playerlist (core.playerlist) [11:47:05] Binding /motd (core.motd) [11:47:05] Binding /reload (core.reload) [11:47:05] Binding /time (core.time) [11:47:05] Binding /spawn (core.spawn) [11:47:05] Binding /home (core.spawn) [11:47:05] Binding /kick (core.kick) [11:47:05] Binding /ban (core.ban) [11:47:05] Binding /unban (core.unban) [11:47:05] Binding /top (core.top) [11:47:05] Binding /gm (core.changegm) [11:47:05] Binding /gotoworld (core.gotoworld) [11:47:05] Binding /coords (core.coords) [11:47:05] Binding /viewdistance (core.viewdistance) [11:47:05] Binding /regeneratechunk (core.regeneratechunk) [11:47:05] Core: loaded 216 item names. [11:47:05] cWebPlugin::cWebPlugin() [11:47:05] Initialized Core v.8 [11:47:05] Initialized ChatLog v.2 [11:47:05] Binding /register (register) [11:47:05] Binding /login (login) [11:47:05] ERROR: Trying to bind command "/gotoworld" that has already been bound. [11:47:05] Loaded 2 plugin(s) [11:47:05] Loading MonsterConfig... [11:47:05] Starting Authenticator... [11:47:05] Starting server... [11:47:05] ServerListenThread [11:47:05] ServerTickThread [11:47:05] Starting InputThread... [11:47:05] Initialization done, server running now. [11:47:23] Client "" connected! [11:47:23] New ClientHandle created at 09A31128 [11:47:23] Creating a new cSocketThread (currently have 0) [11:47:23] Deleting client "" at 09A31128 [11:47:23] ClientHandle at 09A31128 deleted [11:47:26] Client "" connected! [11:47:26] New ClientHandle created at 09A31128 [11:47:26] HANDSHAKE STR_Warrior [11:47:26] User "STR_Warrior" was sent a handshake [11:47:26] LOGIN STR_Warrior [11:47:26] Added STR_Warrior to group Admins [11:47:26] Player STR_Warrior has permissions: [11:47:26] * [11:47:29] Spawning player "STR_Warrior" at {-378.96, 80.50, -50.13} [11:47:29] ALLARM D: WORLDINI DIDN'T READ [11:47:29] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:77: error in function 'TeleportTo'. argument #2 is 'nil'; 'number' expected. [11:47:29] Stack: [11:47:35] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:35] Stack: [11:47:35] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:35] Stack: [11:47:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:39] Stack: [11:47:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:40] Stack: [11:47:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:40] Stack: [11:47:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:40] Stack: [11:47:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:40] Stack: [11:47:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:40] Stack: [11:47:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:40] Stack: [11:47:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:40] Stack: [11:47:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:40] Stack: [11:47:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:40] Stack: [11:47:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:40] Stack: [11:47:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:40] Stack: [11:47:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:40] Stack: [11:47:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:40] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:41] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:42] Stack: [11:47:43] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:43] Stack: [11:47:43] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:43] Stack: [11:47:43] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:43] Stack: [11:47:43] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:47:43] Stack: [11:47:44] 1. Stack size: 54 [11:47:44] 2. Stack size: 55 [11:47:44] 3. Stack size: 56 [11:47:44] Calling bound function! :D [11:47:44] ok. Stack size: 54 [11:47:49] 1. Stack size: 54 [11:47:49] 2. Stack size: 55 [11:47:49] 3. Stack size: 56 [11:47:49] Calling bound function! :D [11:47:49] ok. Stack size: 54 [11:47:53] 1 [11:47:53] 2 [11:47:53] 1 [11:47:53] 2 [11:47:55] 1 [11:47:55] 2 [11:47:56] 1 [11:47:56] 2 [11:48:10] Received d/c packet from "STR_Warrior" [11:48:10] Deleting client "STR_Warrior" at 09A31128 [11:48:10] ClientHandle at 09A31128 deleted [11:48:10] Destroying entity #1 [11:48:10] Deleting cPlayer "STR_Warrior" at 05760B80, ID 1 [11:48:10] Player 05760B80 deleted [11:48:10] Deleting entity 1 at pos {-357.07, -59.66} ~ [-22, -3]; ptr 05760B80 [11:48:11] Client "" connected! [11:48:11] New ClientHandle created at 0883CFE0 [11:48:11] Deleting client "" at 0883CFE0 [11:48:11] ClientHandle at 0883CFE0 deleted [11:48:12] Client "" connected! [11:48:12] New ClientHandle created at 0883D5A8 [11:48:12] HANDSHAKE STR_Warrior [11:48:12] User "STR_Warrior" was sent a handshake [11:48:12] LOGIN STR_Warrior [11:48:13] Added STR_Warrior to group Admins [11:48:13] Player STR_Warrior has permissions: [11:48:13] * [11:48:15] Spawning player "STR_Warrior" at {-357.07, 90.50, -59.66} [11:48:15] ALLARM D: WORLDINI DIDN'T READ [11:48:15] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:77: error in function 'TeleportTo'. argument #2 is 'nil'; 'number' expected. [11:48:15] Stack: [11:48:26] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:26] Stack: [11:48:26] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:26] Stack: [11:48:26] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:26] Stack: [11:48:26] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:26] Stack: [11:48:26] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:26] Stack: [11:48:26] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:26] Stack: [11:48:26] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:26] Stack: [11:48:38] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:38] Stack: [11:48:38] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:38] Stack: [11:48:38] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:38] Stack: [11:48:38] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:38] Stack: [11:48:38] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:38] Stack: [11:48:38] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:38] Stack: [11:48:38] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:38] Stack: [11:48:38] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:38] Stack: [11:48:38] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:38] Stack: [11:48:38] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:38] Stack: [11:48:38] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:38] Stack: [11:48:38] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:38] Stack: [11:48:38] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:38] Stack: [11:48:38] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:38] Stack: [11:48:38] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:38] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:39] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:39] Stack: [11:48:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:40] Stack: [11:48:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:40] Stack: [11:48:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:40] Stack: [11:48:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:40] Stack: [11:48:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:40] Stack: [11:48:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:40] Stack: [11:48:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:40] Stack: [11:48:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:40] Stack: [11:48:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:40] Stack: [11:48:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:40] Stack: [11:48:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:40] Stack: [11:48:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:40] Stack: [11:48:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:40] Stack: [11:48:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:40] Stack: [11:48:40] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:40] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:41] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:41] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:42] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:42] Stack: [11:48:45] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:45] Stack: [11:48:45] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:45] Stack: [11:48:45] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:45] Stack: [11:48:45] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:45] Stack: [11:48:45] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:45] Stack: [11:48:45] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:45] Stack: [11:48:45] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:45] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] Saving all chunks... [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] Saving all chunks... [11:48:46] Saving all chunks... [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:46] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:46] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:47] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:47] Stack: [11:48:48] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:48] Stack: [11:48:48] -- Plugins/Silver.lua:229: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'SpawnPosx' (a nil value) [11:48:48] Stack: [11:48:55] 1. Stack size: 190 [11:48:55] 2. Stack size: 191 [11:48:55] 3. Stack size: 192 [11:48:55] Calling bound function! :D [11:48:55] ok. Stack size: 190 [11:49:00] [STR_Warrior]: /stop [11:49:03] Server console command: "stop" [11:49:03] Shutting down server... [11:49:03] Saving all chunks... [11:49:03] Saving all chunks... [11:49:03] Saving all chunks... [11:49:03] Deleting client "STR_Warrior" at 0883D5A8 [11:49:03] ClientHandle at 0883D5A8 deleted [11:49:03] Stopping authenticator... [11:49:03] Stopping plugin manager... [11:49:03] TICK THREAD STOPPED [11:49:03] Unbinding /ban [11:49:03] Unbinding /coords [11:49:03] Unbinding /gm [11:49:03] Unbinding /gotoworld [11:49:03] Unbinding /help [11:49:03] Unbinding /home [11:49:03] Unbinding /i [11:49:03] Unbinding /item [11:49:03] Unbinding /kick [11:49:03] Unbinding /list [11:49:03] Unbinding /motd [11:49:03] Unbinding /playerlist [11:49:03] Unbinding /pluginlist [11:49:03] Unbinding /regeneratechunk [11:49:03] Unbinding /reload [11:49:03] Unbinding /spawn [11:49:03] Unbinding /time [11:49:03] Unbinding /top [11:49:03] Unbinding /tp [11:49:03] Unbinding /unban [11:49:03] Unbinding /viewdistance [11:49:03] Unbinding /who [11:49:03] ~cWebPlugin::cWebPlugin() [11:49:03] Freeing MonsterConfig... [11:49:03] Stopping WebAdmin... [11:49:03] Unloading recipes... [11:49:03] Forgetting groups... [11:49:03] Unloading worlds... [11:49:03] Waiting for the world storage to finish saving [11:49:03] World storage thread finished [11:49:03] Deleting cPlayer "STR_Warrior" at 05760B80, ID 2 [11:49:03] Player 05760B80 deleted [11:49:03] Deleting entity 2 at pos {-341.11, -54.16} ~ [-21, -3]; ptr 05760B80 [11:49:03] Waiting for the world storage to finish saving [11:49:03] World storage thread finished [11:49:03] Waiting for the world storage to finish saving [11:49:03] World storage thread finished [11:49:03] Destroying server... [11:49:03] Shutdown done. [11:49:03] --- Stopped Log ---