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mmo plugin help wanted - Printable Version

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RE: mmo plugin help wanted - NiLSPACE - 03-10-2016

How strange. Could you perhaps commit all your code to github, perhaps in a different branch.

RE: mmo plugin help wanted - danny9484 - 03-10-2016

didn't saw 2. page I just commited it in my dev branch

RE: mmo plugin help wanted - NiLSPACE - 03-10-2016

Oh, right. I don't have a singleton in Login. In the initialize function try something like
g_Storage = cSQLiteStorage:new()

Then you can call it using g_Storage:ExecuteCommand(...)

RE: mmo plugin help wanted - danny9484 - 03-10-2016

yep thats it many thanks

RE: mmo plugin help wanted - danny9484 - 03-10-2016

uhh still have problems
current code is in my dev branch

[13:43:35] LUA: Plugins/mmo/storage_sqlite.lua:66: calling 'bind_names' on bad self (attempt to use closed sqlite virtual machine)
[13:43:35] Stack trace:
[13:43:35]   [C](-1): bind_names
[13:43:35]   Plugins/mmo/storage_sqlite.lua(66): ExecuteCommand
[13:43:35]   Plugins/mmo/main.lua(382): get_stats_initialize
[13:43:35]   Plugins/mmo/main.lua(400): get_stats
[13:43:35]   Plugins/mmo/main.lua(407): checkifexist
[13:43:35]   Plugins/mmo/main.lua(350): (no name)
[13:43:35] Stack trace end
[13:43:35] Error in plugin mmo calling function <callback>()

your old sql functions where way better understandable xD

RE: mmo plugin help wanted - danny9484 - 03-10-2016

ok ok I fixed it wrong ; in the sql statement

RE: mmo plugin help wanted - danny9484 - 03-11-2016

I just got your geyser spell working xD