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How can I find a player file? - Printable Version

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How can I find a player file? - Hircine - 10-02-2014

Hello. With the new system, there are a lot of folders, with different UUIDs. Is there any way to find the folder for one player?

(Correct category?)

RE: How can I find a player file? - bearbin - 10-02-2014

You can look up the UUID for a player and find the folder using that. (Assuming that you aren't using offline mode which has effectively random UUIDs.)

RE: How can I find a player file? - Seadragon91 - 10-02-2014

In the player file is a option named lastknownname, there you can see the name of the player.

RE: How can I find a player file? - Hircine - 10-02-2014

Yes, I have the player UUID, but I'm using the offline mode.
I don't want to open more than 150 files in 77 folders.

RE: How can I find a player file? - bearbin - 10-02-2014

grep -r username Players

Or something like that.

RE: How can I find a player file? - Hircine - 10-02-2014

(10-02-2014, 06:17 AM)bearbin Wrote: grep -r username Players

Or something like that.


RE: How can I find a player file? - xoft - 10-02-2014

@bearbin there's not much difference between online and offline mode, they both use hashes for the UUIDs, so each can be computed (but only the offline-mode ones can be computed by us).

Probably the easiest way to find the player's UUID is to have a look at the new "Player Ranks" webadmin tab, it lists the players by name and when you click Edit, you get the UUID used by MCS.

From the UUID, take the first two letters, those are the folder name, and the rest is the filename.