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How to use GetLastBedPos() - Printable Version

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How to use GetLastBedPos() - moiko89 - 05-14-2017


how i can use GetLastBedPos() for writing in Log?

LOG(Player:GetName() .. " Bed: " .. Player:GetLastBedPos())

RE: How to use GetLastBedPos() - xoft - 05-14-2017

You need to explicitly log the individual values:
local lastBedPos = Player:GetLastBedPos()
LOG(string.format("%s Bed: [%d, %d, %d]", Player:GetName(), lastBedPos.x, lastBedPos.y, lastBedPos.z))
(I prefer using string.format to concatenation, but either should work)

RE: How to use GetLastBedPos() - moiko89 - 05-14-2017

Thanks xoft!
How i can show into Objects in Lua? Can i debug my code?

RE: How to use GetLastBedPos() - xoft - 05-14-2017

You can debug Cuberite plugins using the ZeroBrane Studio, there's an article about setting it all up:

There's no built-in way to display Lua objects, basically because a Lua table can contain stuff that it cannot represent reasonably (functions, loops etc.)