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Bearbin's Automated Builds - Printable Version

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RE: Bearbin's Automated Builds - bearbin - 05-30-2015

Actually, don't change the CNAME.

x86 builds are failing for some reason and I have to do something today so I can't fix until tomorrow.

RE: Bearbin's Automated Builds - LO1ZB - 05-30-2015

I tried to add my Pc as salve, but I'm getting this error:
"Cannot determine the location of the VS Common Tools folder."
anyone got any idea what that means?

RE: Bearbin's Automated Builds - xoft - 05-30-2015

Basically the entire build script needs to work on your end, so copy this into a .cmd file in your "c:\Jenkins\workspace\MCServer Windows x64 Master" folder:
:: Set the environment variables expected by build to contain the build info:

:: Build the server:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" -T "v120_xp" .
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
call "c:\program files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\vc\vcvarsall.bat"
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
msbuild MCServer.sln /p:Configuration=Release
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1

:: Build ProtoProxy:
cd Tools\ProtoProxy
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12" -T "v120_xp" .
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
msbuild ProtoProxy.sln /p:Configuration=Release
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
cd ..\..

:: Zip the executables and PDBs:
cd Install
echo %JOB_NAME%-%BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME% >..\MCServer\buildinfo.txt
echo %JOB_URL% >>..\MCServer\buildinfo.txt
7z a -tzip -y -scsWIN -i@Zip2008.list -xr!*.git*
cd ..
7z a -tzip -y -scsWIN -i@Install/Zip2008_PDBs.list -xr!*.git*
and try to run it from command prompt. You should be able to track where this script fails and fix the preconditions. Insert "echo SomeMarker" into the script file (or other script files it calls) to see where it fails.

RE: Bearbin's Automated Builds - LO1ZB - 05-30-2015

Ok, it works localy, may I test it trough jenkins?
hold on, I didnt copied the hole scipt -,-

RE: Bearbin's Automated Builds - xoft - 05-30-2015

Also, do you run the Jenkins agent as a service, or manually?
A service account may have some paths set differently, so if you run as a service, try opening an admin cmd window and execute the script from there.

RE: Bearbin's Automated Builds - LO1ZB - 05-30-2015

7zip was missing
I'll test that

It works with an administrator command promt aswell now.

RE: Bearbin's Automated Builds - LO1ZB - 05-30-2015

May I re-enable my note (slave)?

RE: Bearbin's Automated Builds - xoft - 05-30-2015

I reenabled it, and disabled mine so that the next build runs on yours.

RE: Bearbin's Automated Builds - LO1ZB - 05-30-2015

it seems like I have some problem with PATH. I have no idea what it could be. :/

RE: Bearbin's Automated Builds - LO1ZB - 05-30-2015

the PATH problem is solved

it can't find 7z.....
its in path