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Building script - Printable Version

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RE: Building script - NiLSPACE - 11-19-2012

(11-19-2012, 07:30 AM)STR_Warrior Wrote: Finished itBig Grin
what do you think?
I forgot to make a shortcut to the desktop but i think Its fine Smile

RE: Building script - xoft - 11-20-2012

I'd have preferred to see the install script Smile

RE: Building script - NiLSPACE - 11-20-2012



Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\mcserver.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Configuration.bat"; DestDir: "{app}"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\crafting.txt"; DestDir: "{app}"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\furnace.txt"; DestDir: "{app}"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\groups.ini"; DestDir: "{app}"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\items.ini"; DestDir: "{app}"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\monsters.ini"; DestDir: "{app}"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\settings.ini"; DestDir: "{app}"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\terrain.ini"; DestDir: "{app}"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\users.ini"; DestDir: "{app}"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\webadmin.ini"; DestDir: "{app}"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\SquirrelChatLog.nut"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\ban.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\coords.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\gamemode.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\gotoworld.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\help.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\item.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\kick.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\main.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\motd.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\onblockdig.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\onblockplace.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\oncraftingnorecipe.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\onkilled.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\onlogin.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\onplayerjoin.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\playerlist.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\pluginlist.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\regeneratechunk.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\reload.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\spawn.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\stop.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\teleport.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\time.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\top.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\unban.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\viewdistance.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\web_chat.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\web_manageplugins.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\web_permissions.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\web_playerlist.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\web_serversettings.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\Plugins\Core\web_whitelist.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"
Source: "G:\MCServer\MC-Server Source\Test script\MCServer\webadmin\template.html"; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\core"

Filename: "{app}\Configuration.bat"; Description: "Launch de Configurator";

Name: "{commondesktop}\MCServer"; Filename: "{app}\mcserver.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"

RE: Building script - xoft - 11-20-2012

This has a few issues:
- where are you installing? Into Program Files? Bam - UAC won't let ordinary users write there (-> world and config not writable)
- you're using absolute paths for files, this script won't work on any other computer than yours
- if there is ever a new file added to the plugins, or webadmin folder, your script will have to be modified (and it will be forgotten to be modified Wink . Use wildcards - *.lua, *.ini etc.

RE: Building script - NiLSPACE - 11-20-2012

Got another update for the build script
this allows you to give more people admin permissions and add more worlds.
also when the configuration is finished (or if you pressed that you don't want to configure MC-Server)
the script wil create a map called MC-Server in the map where you placed this script.
MC-Server will copy all the MC-Server files into there including the new settings.ini

RE: Building script - xoft - 11-20-2012

If I didn't know german, I'd have trouble understanding your post - what maps?? Smile)) Luckily I still remember a thing or two, so I know Die Mappe = map / folder Smile
Sounds good enough for time being. Didn't have the chance to inspect the config script.

RE: Building script - NiLSPACE - 11-20-2012

(11-20-2012, 02:36 AM)xoft Wrote: This has a few issues:
- where are you installing? Into Program Files? Bam - UAC won't let ordinary users write there (-> world and config not writable)
- you're using absolute paths for files, this script won't work on any other computer than yours
- if there is ever a new file added to the plugins, or webadmin folder, your script will have to be modified (and it will be forgotten to be modified Wink . Use wildcards - *.lua, *.ini etc.

this was a way i found on internet so i used thisTongue.
it install in: C:\Program Files (x86)\FakeTruth\MC-Server
its not germenTongue its dutch sorry Sad i posted it with my mobile phone and it has auto correct.
map = folder indeed.
here is the code if you want to take a look at it without downloading the script:
@ECHO off
set tortoisesvncmd="%ProgramFiles%\TortoiseSVN\bin\svn.exe"
set visualexpress2008cmd="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcpackages\vcbuild.exe"

echo ___                      _                _  _                                        
echo !   \  ___ __ __ __ _ _  ! ! ___  __ _  __! !(_) _ _   __ _  
echo ! !) !/ _ \\ V  V /! ' \ ! !/ _ \/ _` !/ _` !! !! ' \ / _` !
echo !___/ \___/ \_/\_/ !_!!_!!_!\___/\__,_!\__,_!!_!!_!!_!\__, !
echo ___ ___  _  _  _ _  __  ___                            !___/    
echo (_--/ _ \! !! !! '_!/ _!/ -_)
echo /__/\___/ \_,_!!_!  \__!\___!    
echo Downloading Source                                                                                                  
timeout /t 3 >nul
%tortoisesvncmd% checkout
cd trunk
cd VC2008
echo   ___                    _  _  _            
echo  / __! ___  _ __   _ __ (_)! !(_) _ _   __ _
echo ! (__ / _ \! '  \ ! '_ \! !! !! !! ' \ / _` !
echo  \___!\___/!_!_!_!! .__/!_!!_!!_!!_!!_!\__, !
echo                   !_!                  !___/
timeout /t 3 >nul
%visualexpress2008cmd% /build MCServer.sln "Release|Win32"
echo !                                                                      !
echo !                                                                      !
echo !                                                                      !
echo !                                                                      !
echo !                                                                      !
echo !                                                                      !
echo !                                                                      !
echo !                                                                      !
echo _______ _________ _       _________ _______           _______  ______  
echo (  ____ \\__   __/( (    /!\__   __/(  ____ \!\     /!(  ____ \(  __  \
echo ! (    \/   ) (   !  \  ( !   ) (   ! (    \/! )   ( !! (    \/! (  \  )
echo ! (__       ! !   !   \ ! !   ! !   ! (_____ ! (___) !! (__    ! !   ) !
echo !  __)      ! !   ! (\ \) !   ! !   (_____  )!  ___  !!  __)   ! !   ! !
echo ! (         ! !   ! ! \   !   ! !         ) !! (   ) !! (      ! !   ) !
echo ! )      ___) (___! )  \  !___) (___/\____) !! )   ( !! (____/\! (__/  )
echo !_!       \_______/!/    )_)\_______/\_______)!/     \!(_______/(______/
echo !                                                                      !
echo !                                                                      !
echo !                                                                      !
echo !                                                                      !
echo !                                                                      !
echo !                                                                      !
echo !                                                                      !
set /p answer=Would you like to configurate MC-Server? (Y/N) :

if %answer% == Y goto A
if %answer% == y goto A
if %answer% == N goto B
if %answer% == n goto B

echo Alright we start with your username.
cd ..
cd MCServer
set /p Admin=Please Enter your Username:

del users.ini
Echo [%Admin%] >> users.ini
Echo Groups=Admins >> users.ini

set /p MN=Would you like to have more people with admin permissions? [Y/N] :
if %MN% == Y goto MNY
if %MN% == y goto MNY
if %MN% == N goto MNN
if %MN% == n goto MNN
set /p Nickname=Please Enter Another Username:

Echo. >> users.ini
Echo [%Nickname%] >> users.ini
Echo Groups=Admins >> users.ini
set /p MN=Would you like to have more people with admin permissions? [Y/N] :
if %MN% == Y goto MNY
if %MN% == y goto MNY
if %MN% == N goto MNN
if %MN% == n goto MNN

set /p Port=Please Enter your server port (default minecraft is 25565):

set /p MaxPlayers= Please enter the maxplayers able to join:

set /p Description=Please enter your server description:

del settings.ini
echo [Server]>> settings.ini
echo Port=%port%>> settings.ini
echo MaxPlayers=%MaxPlayers%>> settings.ini
echo Description=%Description%>> settings.ini

set /p Worldname=Please set your Default Worldname:


echo. >> settings.ini
echo [Worlds] >> settings.ini
echo DefaultWorld=%Worldname%>> settings.ini
set /p CWorld=Would you like to have more worlds? [Y/N] :
if %CWorld% == Y goto CWY
if %CWorld% == y goto CWY
if %CWorld% == N goto CWN
if %CWorld% == n goto CWN

set /p World=Please choose another worldname :
echo World=%World%>> settings.ini
goto World
set /p Core=Would you like to enable core? [Y/N]:

if %Core% == Y goto Y
if %Core% == y goto Y
if %Core% == N goto N
if %Core% == n goto N

echo. >> settings.ini
echo [Plugins]>> settings.ini
echo Plugin=Core>> settings.ini
set /p pl=Would you like to have the /pluginlist command work? [Y/N] :
if %pl% == Y goto PLY
if %pl% == y goto PLY
if %pl% == N goto N
if %pl% == n goto N

echo. >> settings.ini
echo [HelpPlugin] >> settings.ini
echo ShowPluginNames=1 >> settings.ini

goto Next

echo. >> settings.ini
echo [Plugins]>> settings.ini
echo. >> settings.ini
echo [HelpPlugin] >> settings.ini
echo ShowPluginNames=0 >> settings.ini


set /p Mobs=Would you like to have mobs enabled? [Y/N] :

if %Mobs% == Y goto Yes
if %Mobs% == y goto Yes
if %Mobs% == N goto No
if %Mobs% == n goto No

echo. >> settings.ini
echo [Monsters]>> settings.ini
echo AnimalsOn=1 >> settings.ini
echo AnimalSpawnInterval=10>> settings.ini
echo Types=Spider,Chicken,Cow,Pig,Sheep,Squid,Enderman,Zombiepigman,Cavespider,Creeper,Ghast,Silverfish,Skeleton,Slime,Spider,Zombie>> settings.ini

Goto Next2

echo. >> settings.ini
echo [Monsters]>> settings.ini
echo AnimalsOn=0 >> settings.ini
echo AnimalSpawnInterval=10>> settings.ini
echo Types=Spider,Chicken,Cow,Pig,Sheep,Squid,Enderman,Zombiepigman,Cavespider,Creeper,Ghast,Silverfish,Skeleton,Slime,Spider,Zombie>> settings.ini

set /p Auth=Would you like to have authentication on? [Y/N]:

if %Auth% == Y goto Yy
if %Auth% == y goto Yy
if %Auth% == N goto Nn
if %Auth% == n goto Nn

echo. >> settings.ini
echo [Authentication]>> settings.ini
echo>> settings.ini
echo Authenticate=1 >> settings.ini
goto next3

echo.>> settings.ini
echo [Authentication]>> settings.ini
echo>> settings.ini
echo Authenticate=0 >> settings.ini

echo   ___           __ _                    _   _          
echo  / __!___ _ _  / _(_)__ _ _  _ _ _ __ _! !_(_)___ _ _  
echo ! (__/ _ \ ' \!  _! / _` ! !! ! '_/ _` !  _! / _ \ ' \
echo  \___\___/_!!_!_! !_\__, !\_,_!_! \__,_!\__!_\___/_!!_!
echo                     !___/          
echo  ___ _      _    _           _
echo ! __(_)_ _ (_)__! !_  ___ __! !
echo ! _!! ! ' \! (_-- ' \/ -_) _` !
echo !_! !_!_!!_!_/__/_!!_\___\__,_!
echo configuration finished                                                  
timeout /t 3 >nul
Goto Finish

cd ..
cd MCServer
Echo Thank you for Downloading MC-Server
Timeout /t 3 >nul

cd ..
mkdir MCServer
cd MCServer
mkdir Plugins
cd Plugins
mkdir Core
cd ..
mkdir webadmin
cd ..
xcopy trunk\MCServer MCServer
xcopy trunk\MCServer\Plugins MCServer\plugins
xcopy trunk\MCServer\Plugins\core MCServer\plugins\core
xcopy trunk\MCServer\webadmin MCServer\webadmin
cd MCServer
del MCServer.pdb

its probably not the cleanest code but hey it works Smile

RE: Building script - NiLSPACE - 11-20-2012

is it alright if i make a tutorial on the wiki using this script?

RE: Building script - NiLSPACE - 11-20-2012

(11-20-2012, 02:36 AM)xoft Wrote: This has a few issues:
- where are you installing? Into Program Files? Bam - UAC won't let ordinary users write there (-> world and config not writable).

To wolven that problem you could open it as an administrator.

RE: Building script - xoft - 11-20-2012

(11-20-2012, 04:32 PM)STR_Warrior Wrote: [...] you could open it as an administrator.

Which is exactly the "solution" that is not recommended. You should not run programs as administrator unless that program does something administrative; and it should run as the administrator only for the minimum time needed. Security 101.

IMHO much better solution would be to install into either %appdata% or %allusersprofile% (easy), and put the configurator directly into the installer (quite an advanced feat)