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    Thread: Anti-explorer
Post: RE: Anti-explorer

well, that would stop the chunks from spawning, I think xoft, want people to still expand the world, but not just a straight line towards 1 direction. but yeah its releated, and its a good plugin :)
tryy3 Plugin Requests 7 9,253 10-01-2014, 04:27 AM
    Thread: Donation?
Post: RE: Donation?

You can donate bitcoins to so that others can get money from commiting, and then there is this page: I am not sure if th...
tryy3 Discussion 2 3,257 09-27-2014, 02:49 PM
    Thread: Anti-explorer
Post: RE: Anti-explorer

Oh, alright, but then it would be quite hard to know if someone is running around generating new areas or just running a few hundreds block from the spawn... You could essentially just add a region so...
tryy3 Plugin Requests 7 9,253 09-26-2014, 02:50 AM
    Thread: Anti-explorer
Post: RE: Anti-explorer

But in theory it should only report 1 player if you call it on the hook "HOOK_CHUNK_GENERATING", assuming that hook only gets called egen generating not egen its loaded? And wouldn't be better if y...
tryy3 Plugin Requests 7 9,253 09-25-2014, 06:07 PM
    Thread: Anti-explorer
Post: RE: Anti-explorer

Wouldn't the easiest way be to count how many new chunks are being generated by a specific player instead of checking pos?
tryy3 Plugin Requests 7 9,253 09-25-2014, 04:26 PM
    Thread: BlockyLand[MCServer][24/7] [Minigames, Survival, Creative, Skyblock, Parkour]
Post: RE: BlockyLand[MCServer][24/7] [Minigames, Surviva...

As far as I know, there isn't even a official build for sponge yet, how are they supposed to change to sponge then? xD
tryy3 Servers 37 42,098 09-22-2014, 10:24 AM
    Thread: DMCA takedown - bukkit
Post: RE: DMCA takedown - bukkit

As far as I know, like Seadragon said, a lot of devs from bukkit have left, but as far as I know Mojang still wants to keep Mojang up, and Dinnerbone and a few other devs will still keep it up to date...
tryy3 Off Topic Discussion 18 26,534 09-20-2014, 03:16 AM
    Thread: Random Chitchat 2012-2016
Post: RE: What we're doing

Just an idea would be, tagging the topics, by what server software?, it will keep the search engine hits but will help people looking for mcs servers?
tryy3 Off Topic Discussion 4,863 4,694,477 09-19-2014, 05:18 AM
    Thread: info.lua question
Post: RE: info.lua question

Ah thanks :) And hmm... Maybe I'll add a Contributors property in my lua files instead, I prefer to keep everything in 1 place, but yeah you are right about the Author stuff. Thanks for the help :) I ...
tryy3 Plugin Discussion 7 7,073 09-16-2014, 06:53 AM
    Thread: info.lua question
Post: RE: info.lua question

Hmm... after checking the Article on the Info.lua I got two questions, 1) When/where is AdditionalInformation displayed? is it only for external services, like if you want to use it on a website or ca...
tryy3 Plugin Discussion 7 7,073 09-16-2014, 03:54 AM
    Thread: info.lua question
Post: info.lua question

Hi I got a question about info.lua. Do I just have to register the commands in the info.lua or do I need to register the commands using the BindCommand function and the info.lua is just a info tabl...
tryy3 Plugin Discussion 7 7,073 09-16-2014, 01:26 AM
    Thread: Microsoft officially buys Mojang...
Post: RE: Microsoft oficially buys Mojang...

Personal preference: Microsoft haven't really been that good, they tend to set too many licenses and limiting people to what they do, and they tend to do what they want. They also tend to put everythi...
tryy3 Off Topic Discussion 3 5,676 09-16-2014, 12:31 AM
    Thread: Convert chat colors function.
Post: RE: Convert chat colors function.

Ah, alright, thanks :) Oh and I was testing around with chat colors, and I noticed you cant type any formattings like @lBold @nUnderline etc. Is there a reason to this? And thanks for the help btw :)
tryy3 Plugin Discussion 6 6,491 09-15-2014, 05:43 AM
    Thread: Convert chat colors function.
Post: RE: Convert chat colors function.

hmm... So I just replace all the &(chat code) with ยง(chat code) no need to use cChatColor?
tryy3 Plugin Discussion 6 6,491 09-15-2014, 05:33 AM
    Thread: Convert chat colors function.
Post: RE: Convert chat colors function.

I have a motd file and it contains &(color code) colors in it, so I need to convert that string to chat colors. Right now I am trying to convert the colors in the server desc (the desc of a server, in...
tryy3 Plugin Discussion 6 6,491 09-15-2014, 05:15 AM
    Thread: Convert chat colors function.
Post: Convert chat colors function.

Is there any function to convert chat colors? When I say chat colors I mean, when someone types "Hi &aI &bLove &cColors" I can just run a command and it will auto convert the &(Color Code) to a col...
tryy3 Plugin Discussion 6 6,491 09-15-2014, 05:04 AM
    Thread: INI Arrays
Post: RE: INI Arrays

Could work for the project I am working on, but would be nicer to have a real function for it. In case you have a lot of lines and you have to change multiple lines, you might forget to edit the numbe...
tryy3 Plugin Discussion 9 8,245 09-13-2014, 08:22 AM
    Thread: INI Arrays
Post: RE: INI Arrays

Is there any plans to add support for it? Could be useful for message configs and similiar?
tryy3 Plugin Discussion 9 8,245 09-13-2014, 05:26 AM
    Thread: INI Arrays
Post: RE: INI Arrays

I was thinking of using a seperator, only problem is that for a motd, the line would be really bad to read. I was playing around with the lxp but I never figured out a good way to make it parse the XM...
tryy3 Plugin Discussion 9 8,245 09-12-2014, 11:29 PM
    Thread: INI Arrays
Post: RE: INI Arrays

Its for a config, I need to save a motd message, and the motd needs to be multiple lines.
tryy3 Plugin Discussion 9 8,245 09-12-2014, 10:32 PM