UUID Changes
I started to change all savings to the UUID.
But the UUID is in ClientHandle and so it isn't working to call SaveToDisk() with the UUID than username. Before SaveToDisk will be called ClientHandle, will be destroyed. Can i move UUID to cPlayer? I think this is the littlest method.
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The cPlayer object is created by cClientHandle, so you can pass the UUID to cPlayer's constructor. If you want to move its storage to cPlayer and you manager to make it work in ALL cases (online / offline server, older protocols), I won't have any objections.

I have a single objection - you seem to be working on 50 different things at any given time, and there are no results. Just focus your effort into actually finishing something completely.
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Okay thanks.
Enchanting should be working now. I will make a PR later.
AntiCheat is paused because i don't have so much knowing with the blocking of hacks. It was too buggy etc. maybe i will fix it in the next time.
The 1.8 support is also paused until 1.8 will be released.
And the Authentication is now implemented. I started the work with Howaner's Authentication, because i would implement the UUID's.
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Auth is now merged in the master, make sure you don't uselessly do duplicate work.
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I know this. You fixed my PR and than merged it. I mean this with implemented.
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First Changes: https://github.com/daniel0916/MCServer/t...ID-Changes
The next is the permissions system.
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I found a problem. What is when someone switch the Authentication on? The old uuid's can't be used because they are generated. I think we should check if the name is bought and then get the uuid from mojang without authentication. Then the players who have bought minecraft can join also to the server when he switch to online mode.

Method 1: Player->IsPremium();
Method 2: cPlayer::GetUUID(UserName); (static)

Edit: But the vanilla don't do this... Maybe it's didn't need?
Edit2: With vanilla server: When you join when the server is in offline mode and you will be banned, you can join when the server will be changed to online mode. With my method this won't be working. Is it useful?
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Switching the auth on and off is unsupported in vanilla, so we can make it unsupported, too.

To make it further "incompatible", we could make the players use a wrong-format UUID when the server is in offline mode, fixing the UUID on protocol-level. This will make sure that the players won't mix between the two modes.
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There will be the same issue like vanilla. The wrong uuid from cracked is banned. But the player with the same name but right uuid can join. This is good and bad. When a name-faker join with cracked and will be banned, it's good, the right player with this name can join. But when a player with bought minecraft join and grief the server, he will be banned. Then he can join when the server is switching in online mode. This is bad. But it's not important, because he can easily change his name and join...

I think it's better as it now is (will be.. need to be changed to UUID). The UUID will be banned. So noone can join on the server with this name (only cracked). But when the premium player with this name join, he can play without problems, because he has a other uuid (the original). I think so it's good. For online mode servers all work fine and on offline mode server, the griefers can fast change his name, so the uuid or name ban don't work there. So we don't need a wrong-formated UUID or?

But i think we need a cPlayer::GetUUID(UserName); Method. I will add to the Core plugin a converter, who will convert the old ban lists etc. with names to the uuids.
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No NO PREMIUM login in 1.7.9? D:
I bought minecraft but my friends not
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