Random Chitchat 2012-2016
That's how it normally goes, but they're both pretty much interchangeable if you want.
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This just reinforces the point that my jokes are terrible...
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I had an idea on how we could let the server know what the bounding boxes are for a block. We simply create a list of boundingboxes in the block handler. Here is kinda what I mean:
typedef std::vector<cBoundingBox> BoundingBoxes;
/// Returns a list of bounding boxes. For example a cauldron returns 5 because it has 5 faces that are solid but a full block returns 1
virtual BoundingBoxes & GetBoundingBoxes(Vector3i a_Pos);

cBlockHandler::BoundingBoxes & cBlockHandler::GetBoundingBoxes(Vector3i a_Pos)
    cBlockHandler::BoundingBoxes BBS;
    if (cBlockInfo::IsSolid(m_BlockType))
        cBoundingBox BB(a_Pos, 1, 1);
    return BBS;

Then when the server needs to know if an entity is in a block it loops through the list and checks if the bounding boxes intersect with the bounding box of an entity. This method would be usefull for for example a cauldron since it's more like a hollow block.


Another idea is to let the blockhandler itself check if an entity is inside.
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Not a bad idea! At least it would make the plugin development a lot easier and also the regular development Smile though I can't think of much of a usage Wink. Could you explain that a little more?
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Well for example thanks to this we could throw items directly agains fences instead of stopping the item in front it
[Image: 8OuzR.png]
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Oh yes! And we also would be able to punch them through Smile
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I don't think that would work if you have a different texture pack thoughTongue
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(05-16-2014, 11:59 PM)STR_Warrior Wrote: I don't think that would work if you have a different texture pack thoughTongue

No, that was not what I meant. Isn't it possible to throw items over a fence?
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You need to think this one through properly, though - you don't want to create a vector of bounding boxes for each and every block in the chunk - there's 64Ki blocks per chunk!
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Yes, I think this might be a bigger project and really needs proper planning.

>>> BRANCHING TIME <<<Big Grin
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