Download broken?

I've just tried downloading the latest version of MCServer (Linux Arm) to run on my Raspberry Pi. The older version works fine, but this new MCServer.tar seems to have a broken binary.

It says it right in the shell that it cannot run the binary (and yes, the permissions are, of course, 700).

pi@jammetpi2 ~/MinecraftServer/MCServer $ ./MCServer
bash: ./MCServer: cannot execute binary file
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I downloaded last version for raspberry

It starts and runs fine on my side. Which version of raspberry do you have?
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I'm running the previous version on a Pi 2, on debian wheezy at the moment.

I was trying to download and run this: which is the download link on the main site, when you press the big download button right now. I'll give your link a go.
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Oh the link on the main page points to the wrong arch, it points to a x86 version of mc server.

Please download the version from here
Small problem, it could be possible that the server not runs smooth or not starts. You could compile it yourself, if it still doesn't work. If you want to compile it, look into the on github.

@NiLSPACE could you please correct the link on the main page for the raspberry, thanks
Thanks given by: Jammet
Thanks, that works wonderfully! We're having tons of fun on that server! Thank you so so much!
Is there a way to donate to the project somehow?
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Thanks given by: Seadragon91
I think this error goes on my head. It happened while copying and pasting the lines of code through the website.
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@sphinxc0re maybe you should use the templating system rather than copy pasting code.
Thanks given by: LO1ZB

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