AI in Lua
Oh ok, that shouldn't be a terrible way to deal with the mobs. Just make sure you always check for nil entities and avoid copying the actual entity class to another variable.
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What is the license for this plugin?
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I have a question: is there any way to influence what the mob is doing (other than teleport/kill)?
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Not at the moment. What do you want to do?
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Everything - from classical vanilla behaviours to more complicated villagers with them building their own villages. Creepers blast mining (implement their life cycle). Skeletons banding with zombies and forming raiding parties against player fort. Players making armies against other players. Endermen forming sculptures out of random blocks (also whitelist/blacklist for blocks?)....

I imagine it would be easiest to have some sort of state machine exposed in lua?

Edit: oh and pets having neural networks for player to be able to teach fetch to his dog?
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Then we need to actually put some thought into the design, because that's complicated.
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Neural networks are a complicated thing to implement, and implement well. If someone wants to implement them in lua, that's fine, but they would slow down the server if too many of them are going at the same time.
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samjbarney: not as complicated as you think. Also the thinking could be staggered over many ticks.

worktycho: i guessed as much. If it was simple it would have been already implemented.
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warmist: I am familiar with the concept, and also how they are usually implemented. Thinking could be staggered over ticks, but that would slow down reaction time substantially.
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