Mac OS X troubles
I got a new Mac at work for work-related development. So I figured, I could try compiling MCServer on it Smile

Turns out it's not as easy. Getting commandline compilation to work was a nightmare. Hell, even typing on the mac is a nightmare, with its lack of "home" and "end" key support.
So I finally managed to compile and run the server. Now the server segfaults as soon as the client pings it. I guess I should be glad - finally I get to see that bothersome issue with my own eyes and hopefully with a debugger Smile
Yay, looks fixed. The server seems to work perfectly now.
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(07-18-2012, 08:38 PM)xoft Wrote: I got a new Mac at work for work-related development. So I figured, I could try compiling MCServer on it Smile

Turns out it's not as easy. Getting commandline compilation to work was a nightmare. Hell, even typing on the mac is a nightmare, with its lack of "home" and "end" key support.
So I finally managed to compile and run the server. Now the server segfaults as soon as the client pings it. I guess I should be glad - finally I get to see that bothersome issue with my own eyes and hopefully with a debugger Smile
Yay, looks fixed. The server seems to work perfectly now.

lol, so it wasn't just my PowerPC POS. Wink

Actually, my PowerPC G5 isn't that slow, despite apple killing off like all support for it. With the IBM JDK (Includes a PowerPC JIT), it can even run that horrible bloated thing people call Bukkit.

Nice work fixing it regardless.
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