Signs (bug found and feature request?)
Here's the thing: I'm trying to write "ChestShop" plugin analog. Doesn't seems to be too complicated for me, but I've hitted the lack of functionality.

What I need to be implemented:
1. Placing signs on the walls. This is critical part (probably algorhythm would be similar to newly finished intellectual torch placement);
2. Destroying signs when their "holder" block is destroyed (this is actually not needed for me, but since it's thread about signs, I think it worth mention).

Bug I found:
Sometimes sign isn't placed even at top side of the block (r811), I got following in the log:
[02:45:27] Player Taugeshtu tried to place a block that was not equipped (exp 323, got -1)
Which is weird since I was in creative mode (probably because of that)
I got a memory dump too in case you need it.

Not that this should be done right now, I got another plugin stuff to do in case noone will touch signs in the nearest future... Just let me know, okay?Confused

Okay, I think I managed to get my callback called for DoWithChestAt function. However, I don't get how do I access to chest's slots - there is no evidence of existance of cChestEntity in Lua in source at all! Not in Bindings.cpp, nor in ManualBindings.cpp. So, I suppose it's not exported (although I think a while ago it was - the page exist in wiki, but is supa-outdated), neither is it's parent - cBlockEntity.
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Quote:I think I managed to get my callback called for DoWithChestAt function
I can't access DoWithChestAt function(
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Try with rev 820
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r842, Minecraft 1.2.5:

1) Creative mode, an attempt to place sign:
Quote:[21:31:35] Player Taugeshtu tried to place a block that was not equipped (exp 323, got -1)
It works like one time ou of 7 tries.

2) Creative mode, open chest, put some items in it (I used torches), close chest. Open chest again - pchoooooo - they're gone! xD No evidence of their existance.

3) Oh, even more chest magic: sometimes they won't open.
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Are you using double chests? those are not yet fully supported in MCServer - the server takes careful note which "half" of the chest you clicked and that half is displayed in the window, only.
But yes, we do currently have some issues with UI windows, I'll investigate into this issue.
Also, only one half of the chest makes the client show the chest opening animation, the other half opens the window without the animation.
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It was all performed with single chest.
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The signs are behaving really weird. It almost seems like the client doesn't send the correct packet - it really sends a "-1" as the item currently held, which MCServer disallows because the server knows that the client's player is holding a sign.

I could theoretically make a check that this special case is allowed, but I don't quite like it - there still has to be something else going on here.
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It's true, 1.3.2 does this too. I'll adjust the condition accordingly.
Signs fixed in rev 846, nightbuild is uploaded.
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I do confirm, that signs are fixed now.

I also confirm, that chests are notBig Grin
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I'm working on the chests, it's a bit more complicated than it seemed at first. I fixed the "wrong window ID", now I get "window not synchronized" and items duplicate madly...Tongue
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