Convert Minecraft server world files into MCserver world files.
Layers makes more sense than regions to me. X and Y are Lat and Long on a map which makes Z altitude.

I'm looking at cChunkMap.cpp right now. I'm determined to figure this out.Big Grin

What's the difference between ChunkMap and ChunkData and ChunkLayer?

Is a ChunkLayer the full contents of the Pak file?

I can see in cChunkLoader::LoadFormat1 in cChunkLoader.cpp that the pak location is obtained by simply dividing the chunk's coordinates by 16 (and using int and floorf).

I think I have a basic idea of how that works, I just don't know how MCServer works with the data from the file yet.
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RE: Convert Minecraft server world files into MCserver world files. - by rs2k - 10-27-2011, 10:43 AM

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