11-21-2013, 05:59 AM
#1: That's fine, going to be fixing that bug
#2: That will be sometime after #1, it happens because wire doesn't power the block under it.
#3: Repeaters do work, just there seems to be some issues with wire -> repeater or repeater -> repeater -> repeater; investigating
#4: I have no idea about that, but there are some bugs with wire, those I will fix. Perhaps you could try updating the wire manually?
#2: That will be sometime after #1, it happens because wire doesn't power the block under it.
#3: Repeaters do work, just there seems to be some issues with wire -> repeater or repeater -> repeater -> repeater; investigating
#4: I have no idea about that, but there are some bugs with wire, those I will fix. Perhaps you could try updating the wire manually?