12-04-2013, 04:31 PM
(12-04-2013, 07:25 AM)SamJBarney Wrote: I think that may have to do with the fact that the LOGWARNINGs in the unbounded functions are trying to print an int as a double.
Code:LOGWARNING("%s: requesting a block with a_RelY out of range: %d", __FUNCTION__, a_RelY);
%d is an int. doubles are used with %e or %f.
If CryptoPP asserts on you, you can compile it in release mode and the rest in debug, it shouldn't be much of a problem on platforms other than MSVC. MSVC links in different runtime libraries in debug and release, so the two cannot be mixed; all other platforms use the same library for both builds. I suppose removing CryptoPP out of the lib folder, compiling it somewhere outside and installing it system-wide should work.