@xoft, you can run this plugin that implements Analyze All for a particular project. Just save it as packages/analyzeall.lua and you should see a new menu item under Analyze that will run the analysis through all lua files in your project. You'll need to get the latest ZBS from github as there were some API changes to make this work. Let me know how it works for you. Thanks.
local G = ... local id = G.ID("analyzeall.analyzeall") local menuid local function analyzeProject() local frame = ide:GetMainFrame() local menubar = ide:GetMenuBar() if menubar:IsChecked(ID_CLEAROUTPUT) then ClearOutput() end DisplayOutputLn("Analyzing the project code.") frame:Update() local errors, warnings = 0, 0 local projectPath = ide:GetProject() if projectPath then for _, filePath in ipairs(FileSysGetRecursive(projectPath, true, "*.lua")) do local warn, err, line = AnalyzeFile(filePath) if err then DisplayOutputNoMarker(filePath..'('..line..'): '..err.."\n") errors = errors + 1 elseif #warn > 0 then DisplayOutputNoMarker(table.concat(warn, "\n") .. "\n") warnings = warnings + #warn end frame:Update() -- refresh the output with new results end end DisplayOutputLn(("%s error%s and %s warning%s."):format( errors > 0 and errors or 'no', errors == 1 and '' or 's', warnings > 0 and warnings or 'no', warnings == 1 and '' or 's' )) end return { name = "Analyze all files", description = "Analyzes all files in a project.", author = "Paul Kulchenko", version = 0.1, onRegister = function(self) local menu = ide:GetMenuBar():GetMenu(ide:GetMenuBar():FindMenu(TR("&Project"))) local _, analyzepos = ide:FindMenuItem(menu, ID_ANALYZE) if analyzepos then menu:Insert(analyzepos+1, id, TR("Analyze All")..KSC(id), TR("Analyze the project source code")) end ide:GetMainFrame():Connect(id, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, analyzeProject) end, onUnRegister = function(self) local menu = ide:GetMenuBar():GetMenu(ide:GetMenuBar():FindMenu(TR("&Project"))) ide:GetMainFrame():Disconnect(id, wx.wxID_ANY, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED) if menuid then menu:Destroy(menuid) end end, }