Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation
I have a task that even a non-programmer can do Smile
In order to find good defaults for the village and NetherFort generator, we need to find out:
- how far away are the village centers from each other in vanilla on average, when generated in a flat world, for villages closest to each other
- same for nether fortresses; but separate distances X-wise and Z-wise (vanilla seems to have those different.
- how many levels of road segments is the maximum for a village in a regular world, vs for a village in a flat world:
[Image: VillageRoadDepth.png]

Can anyone give me these statistics for a reasonable number of cases (say, 100 villages / inter-village distances)
A spreadsheet file with the individual distance measurements would be even greater, and it can automate a few things for you - if you use a tool such as AMIDST or Minutor, you can just copy the village coords into the spreadsheet and let it calculate the distances automatically, and I could make a distribution graph.
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RE: Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation - by xoft - 06-13-2014, 08:35 AM

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