Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation
Problem with this is that it works nicely only in 2D. Once you go into 3D, the noise doesn't work so well. And when you slap a DistortedHeightmap generator on top of this, it's all bad - remember those square-based towers? That's what happens, and there's no way to deal with that.

However, there is a way to implement the mesa bryce pretty straightforward, I believe even Vanilla uses that. We'll simply not make the towers part of the heightmap generation, but rather a finisher generator - just add the towers to an already generated terrain.

Why do I think even Vanilla uses that? Because of these:
[Image: vanilla_bryce.jpg]
Yes, that's water underneath the towers. The towers are glued onto the terrain and they won't extend towards ground through water Smile
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RE: Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation - by xoft - 07-15-2014, 12:44 AM

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