09-08-2014, 04:09 AM
Ghasts in vanilla do not actively pursue the player, so they don't need real pathfinding. Blazes do not pursue the player either, they just fly up / down. Bats fly around randomly, also don't need a pathfinding for that. I guess we can do without the flying mobs for now.
Consider a door for a moment. Is it a passable block or not? It depends on the surroundings; you cannot even do with a "closed" / "open" states because the door can be closed and yet be passable because it is lined up to a wall differently. Also it only leaves a ~0.8m wide corridor, so it is passable only for mobs narrower than 0.8m.
As another example, the ladder block cuts away a 1/16th of the block, so an entity that is 1 block wide can't pass in 1-block-wide corridor lined with ladders on the sides. Similarly with carpets and entity height, and halfslabs, more noticeably.
Consider a door for a moment. Is it a passable block or not? It depends on the surroundings; you cannot even do with a "closed" / "open" states because the door can be closed and yet be passable because it is lined up to a wall differently. Also it only leaves a ~0.8m wide corridor, so it is passable only for mobs narrower than 0.8m.
As another example, the ladder block cuts away a 1/16th of the block, so an entity that is 1 block wide can't pass in 1-block-wide corridor lined with ladders on the sides. Similarly with carpets and entity height, and halfslabs, more noticeably.