There was already a report somewhere here on the forum that the raspberry pi team tried mcs, ran into some minor trouble (unspecified) when compiling but overcame them; but since there is no official information on the RPi webpage, no compiler toolchain, no anything, we can't really say.
It should be possible to run the server on that hardware, right now the memory consumption is about 50 MB for one user, and the sources are quite ripe for this to be tinkered with - limit the number of active chunks per player etc. so technically we could tweak it to fit on the RPi. But until one of the devs actually gets the device and the toolchain, we can't really say anything.
Theoretically it should be possible, RAM-wise. I'm not sure about CPU though, MCS is still not very optimized and it is not too high on the priorities list. Even proper multithreading is not yet fully working
It should be possible to run the server on that hardware, right now the memory consumption is about 50 MB for one user, and the sources are quite ripe for this to be tinkered with - limit the number of active chunks per player etc. so technically we could tweak it to fit on the RPi. But until one of the devs actually gets the device and the toolchain, we can't really say anything.
(02-15-2012, 04:34 AM)ReflexLV Wrote: I've got similar question,can i run 32 user server on Pentium IV 2.8Ghz ,2gb ram(Linux)?
Theoretically it should be possible, RAM-wise. I'm not sure about CPU though, MCS is still not very optimized and it is not too high on the priorities list. Even proper multithreading is not yet fully working