Problems downloading the Cuberite precompiled S/W
You need "git" to download the source code; it should be available either out of the box, or can be installed using your platform's package manager.
These commands will set up the complete source repository:
mkdir cuberite
cd cuberite
git clone .
git submodule update --init

To compile, you need gcc at least version 4.8 or clang at least version 3.0, install those using your platform's package manager and make them the default compiler, using the update-alternatives command. You will need cmake, too, also available in your package manager.
This will compile the server (assuming you're in the previously created cuberite folder):
mkdir Release
cd Release
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j 4
Note that the last command, the actual compilation, may take a lot of time - it takes over an hour on my RasPi1 (which has only one core, though)
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RE: Problems downloading the Cuberite precompiled S/W - by xoft - 07-24-2015, 04:42 PM

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