Problems downloading the Cuberite precompiled S/W
Thanks, Xoft for your reply. I finally did see the previuos instructions after scrolling down the code. The eyes don't seem to connect with the brain much anymore.

I did do the compile on my Pi 2 and the whole process took about 25 minutes give or take a minute or two, so the Pi 2 is significantly faster than the Pi 1, although the memory size had a lot to do with that. Before I retired and mainframes were common, I did performance analysis on customer mainframes, developed models for them to run and decide what types of upgrades would make sense. In about 85% of the contracts we did, increasing the memory capacity turned out to be the greatest overall system performance boost. The CPU was next with higher speed rotating memory next.

It would be interesting to see what would happen if the Pi 1 had 1G memory. Maybe there may be a way to disable 3 cores in the Pi 2 to test - assuming the cores are roughly the same between the Pi1 and 2. I'm now curious but that's a project in the future.
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RE: Problems downloading the Cuberite precompiled S/W - by joshpops - 07-25-2015, 03:02 AM

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