Setting up a git service + issue tracking for the project
As has been already said, the code is at not much risk - each git clone on each developer's machine has the entire history and it can be made into the new canon repo. There's not much risk here.

The issue tracker would be quite an annoyance to lose, because we have lots of links directly to it (just think of all the "fixes #XYZ" commit messages). But unless GitHub lets us somehow make a backup of that, there's almost nothing we can do about it.

I personally don't see much danger from a DMCA takedown. The project is clearly open-source and is clearly written from the start verifiably and with proper licensing. If there is a danger, it's one that GitHub may one day cease to exist for some other reason - they go bankrupt, or the NSA confiscates all their servers.
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RE: Setting up a git service + issue tracking for the project - by xoft - 09-23-2015, 05:10 AM

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