Zubb's Breakdown Recipes

I looked around the forum first to see if someone had posted something like this already but I didn't see anything so I felt like sharing something I did with the community. If this is in the wrong forum section, please move it.

I've added some custom crafting recipes to the Cuberite server I'm hosting. I wanted to give players the option to break down some blocks and items into their resources. This idea only works for recipes that use one resource to create a block or item. The idea behind this is to help reduce clutter in chests of unused items such as armor you collected from mob drops that you will never use or just to break down stuff and craft the resources into new stuff. I kept true to how many items make up something and it is the same amount you get back when you break it down. For example, a gold chestplate that is put inside a crafting table (work bench) will now break down into eight gold ingots. Using these recipes are optional.

However, if you would like to use these just copy and paste the following to the bottom of your crafting.txt file.

# Zubb's Breakdown Recipes [Custom]

# Anvil Breakdown
IronIngot, 31 = Anvil, *

# Armor Breakdown: Diamond
Diamond, 5 = DiamondHelmet, *
Diamond, 8 = DiamondChestplate, *
Diamond, 7 = DiamondPants, *
Diamond, 4 = DiamondBoots, *

# Armor Breakdown: Gold
GoldIngot, 5 = GoldenHelmet, *
GoldIngot, 8 = GoldenChestplate, *
GoldIngot, 7 = GoldenPants, *
GoldIngot, 4 = GoldenBoots, *

# Armor Breakdown: Iron
IronIngot, 5 = IronHelmet, *
IronIngot, 8 = IronChestplate, *
IronIngot, 7 = IronPants, *
IronIngot, 4 = IronBoots, *

# Armor Breakdown: Leather
Leather, 5 = LeatherHelmet, *
Leather, 8 = LeatherChestplate, *
Leather, 7 = LeatherPants, *
Leather, 4 = LeatherBoots, *

# Bucket Breakdown
IronIngot, 3 = Bucket, *

# Cauldron Breakdown
IronIngot, 7 = Cauldron, *

# Chest Breakdown
# Using OakPlanks here, but you can change it
OakPlanks, 8 = Chest, *

# Furnace Breakdown
Cobblestone, 8 = Furnace, *

# Gravel Breakdown
Flint, 1 = Gravel, *

# Minecart Breakdown
IronIngot, 5 = Minecart, *

# Shears Breakdown
IronIngot, 2 = Shears, *

# Wool Breakdown
String, 4 = Wool, *

# Workbench Breakdown
# Using OakPlanks here, but you can change it
OakPlanks, 4 = Workbench, *

Enjoying Cuberite; joined recently and having a blast!
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Messages In This Thread
Zubb's Breakdown Recipes - by Zubb - 01-07-2016, 08:21 AM
RE: Zubb's Breakdown Recipes - by xoft - 01-07-2016, 08:39 AM
RE: Zubb's Breakdown Recipes - by NiLSPACE - 01-07-2016, 08:40 AM
RE: Zubb's Breakdown Recipes - by Zubb - 01-07-2016, 09:15 AM
RE: Zubb's Breakdown Recipes - by ThuGie - 01-07-2016, 09:55 AM

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