Problem running Cuberite parallel to Apache2 Webserver on Raspberry Pi
Hi guys,

i have a Problem with my freshly installed Cuberite Setup.
I'm using a raspberry pi B+, which is already running an Apache2 Server with a website automation for my fishtank. Simultaniously i wanted to use it as a minecraft server.
Compiling from source (github) worked for me but i could not reach port 8080 of the pi via my browser -> permission denied. I first tried messing with my iptables allowing all traffic on this port with no success. Using 
netstat -lptn
 i found that my fishtank camera stream uses crtmpserver on port 8080. Stopping this service did not help either. 
Any of you guys have an idea why i cant open the http page? 
Thanks in advance!
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Messages In This Thread
Problem running Cuberite parallel to Apache2 Webserver on Raspberry Pi - by Nas3nmann - 04-02-2016, 11:41 PM

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