Problem running Cuberite parallel to Apache2 Webserver on Raspberry Pi
1. Make sure the port you picked is unused by other programs.
2. Make sure the port you picked is above 1024
3. Make sure you restarted Cuberite after changing the settings
3. The IPTABLES command for allowing access to the port is:

iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport <chosen port> -j ACCEPT

4. You should now be able to login from your browser by visiting:

<Raspberry Pi LAN IP>:<chosen port> # If browser is on a remote machine on same network

localhost:<chosen port> # If browser is on the raspberry pi.
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RE: Problem running Cuberite parallel to Apache2 Webserver on Raspberry Pi - by LogicParrot - 04-05-2016, 02:28 AM

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