Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation
Well, the Nether is much more complicated than just a network packet (that is implemented already, btw).

1. It needs proper generators. None of the current generators can do the job.

2. It needs decision whether to make it a regular world or a sub-world. Each has its drawbacks - sub-world means implementing another layer of "multiworlding"; regular world means that the Anvil scheme will be different from the vanilla server - we won't have the dim-1 (and dim1 for the End) subfolders, but complete worlds. I'm inclined at the regular-world solution right now - means we can add even more "dimensions" and set their generators and such.

3. It needs some game logic support - "create portal blocks", "if the player stands in a portal block for 3 seconds, take them through. But don't take them through if they've just landed and didn't move away from the portal block", "divide coords by 8", "spawn a portal if none is near" etc.

1 is relatively easy - I'll just keep adding more generators, cooking something up for the Nether; possibly also the End. #2 might be trivial (regular world) or a nightmare (sub-world). #3 is a good candidate for a plugin. If the users want more dimensions, they just edit the plugin configuration and suddenly they have a portal to 4th, 5th, 6th dimension... I believe such a plugin can already be made with the current API, although some changes might make it much less painful.
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RE: Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation - by xoft - 05-29-2012, 06:06 AM

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