Changes to loot in generated Structures
I‘d like to write some unit tests. But the way it is the main.cpp is included into the LootTable.h

I‘d like to split this so that the Parsing functions are in a separate file.

Now my question:
Is there a folder for such I-O-operations or just include it into the src folder?

I have another idea:

To mark containers to contain a loot table you put a item named like the loot table into the container.

And in the end there is a metadata tag with the relative pos of the entity and the loot table it should generate
e.g |x, y, z, "Chest|JungleTemple"|x, x, z, "Chest|JungleTempleDispenser"|...
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RE: Changes to loot in generated Structures - by 12xx12 - 09-08-2020, 07:43 PM

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