06-03-2012, 02:50 AM
Is there any advantage in moving to the newer zlib? If not, why fix something that's not broken? 
Did you manually edit Bindings.cpp? You shouldn't - it's an automatically generated file, re-generate it using source/AllToLua.bat. Functions get into that file if the respective C++ function is marked with a "// tolua_export" comment (and is in one of the processed files).
What do you mean by item metadata? WHat exactly is it that you're looking for? An example would really help
As for some block metadata definitions, I've started a section in the BlockID.h header, defining the metadata I needed for trees generation etc. Is that what you need?

Did you manually edit Bindings.cpp? You shouldn't - it's an automatically generated file, re-generate it using source/AllToLua.bat. Functions get into that file if the respective C++ function is marked with a "// tolua_export" comment (and is in one of the processed files).
What do you mean by item metadata? WHat exactly is it that you're looking for? An example would really help

As for some block metadata definitions, I've started a section in the BlockID.h header, defining the metadata I needed for trees generation etc. Is that what you need?