Working on Portals, related questions
The OnBlockPlace() callback has a completely different signature since the repacketing; I thought I've written that somewhere, but obviously I've forgotten.

These are the signatures in C++, they should be directly equivalent to the callbacks (taken from cPlugin_NewLua.h, left out the C++ specifiers):
bool OnBlockDig        (cPlayer * a_Player, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, char a_BlockFace, char a_Status, BLOCKTYPE a_OldBlock, NIBBLETYPE a_OldMeta);
bool OnBlockPlace      (cPlayer * a_Player, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, char a_BlockFace, const cItem & a_HeldItem);
bool OnBlockToPickup   (BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, const cPlayer * a_Player, const cItem & a_EquippedItem, cItems & a_Pickups);
bool OnChat            (cPlayer * a_Player, const AString & a_Message);
void OnChunkGenerated  (cWorld * a_World, int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ);
bool OnChunkGenerating (cWorld * a_World, int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cLuaChunk * a_pLuaChunk );
bool OnCollectPickup   (cPlayer * a_Player, cPickup * a_Pickup);
bool OnCraftingNoRecipe(const cPlayer * a_Player, const cCraftingGrid * a_Grid, cCraftingRecipe * a_Recipe);
bool OnDisconnect      (cPlayer * a_Player, const AString & a_Reason);
bool OnKilled          (cPawn* a_Killed, cEntity* a_Killer );
bool OnLogin           (cClientHandle * a_Client, int a_ProtocolVersion, const AString & a_Username);
bool OnPlayerJoin      (cPlayer* a_Player );
void OnPlayerMove      (cPlayer* a_Player );
void OnPlayerSpawn     (cPlayer* a_Player );
bool OnPostCrafting    (const cPlayer * a_Player, const cCraftingGrid * a_Grid, cCraftingRecipe * a_Recipe);
bool OnPreCrafting     (const cPlayer * a_Player, const cCraftingGrid * a_Grid, cCraftingRecipe * a_Recipe);
void OnTakeDamage      (cPawn* a_Pawn, TakeDamageInfo* a_TakeDamageInfo );
bool OnUpdatedSign     (cWorld * a_World, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, const AString & a_Line1, const AString & a_Line2, const AString & a_Line3, const AString & a_Line4, cPlayer * a_Player);
bool OnUpdatingSign    (cWorld * a_World, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ,       AString & a_Line1,       AString & a_Line2,       AString & a_Line3,       AString & a_Line4, cPlayer * a_Player);
bool OnWeatherChanged  (cWorld * a_World);
Thanks given by: Taugeshtu

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RE: Working on Portals, related questions - by xoft - 09-03-2012, 04:05 AM

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