Yes, for moment I have my crypt function
Found my first bug but I dont now how to solve it
Product this with /help 3
/changepass - [Old Password] [New Password] - Change pass
/register - [Password] - Login with the password
An idea to fhix that?
PHP Code:
function AuthPluginCrypt(Password)
return Password
Found my first bug but I dont now how to solve it
PHP Code:
self:AddCommand("/changepass", " - [Old Password] [New Password] - Change pass", "auth.changepass") -- Commande pour changer de mot de pass (commun)
self:AddCommand("/test", "", "auth.test") -- Commande pour tester
self:AddCommand("/register", " - [Password] - Login with the password", "auth.register") -- Commande pour s'enregistrer (commun)
self:BindCommand( "/changepass", "auth.changepass", HandleChangePassCommand ) -- Associe la commande /changepass a la fonction HandleChangePassCommand
self:BindCommand( "/test", "auth.test", HandleTestCommand ) -- Associe la commande /test a la fonction HandleTestCommand
self:BindCommand( "/register", "auth.register", HandleRegisterCommand ) -- Associe la commande /register a la fonction HandleRegisterCommand
Product this with /help 3
/changepass - [Old Password] [New Password] - Change pass
/register - [Password] - Login with the password
An idea to fhix that?