Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation
The overhangs' parameters are at the beginning of the source/Generating/DistortedHeightmap.cpp file, there's a table that assigns maximum overhang size for each biome. If you're not happy with its setup, you're free to experiment with your own settings. Remember that you can use the ConstantBiome generator to aid you with the testing of the parameters.

Currently, ExtremeHills defines the max overhang distance to 16 blocks in each direction and Forest sets 3 blocks in each direction, so it should have overhangs, but not so many and not so large. All the -Hills biomes have some small amount of overhangs.

What performance message are you now referring to? There's only one message that should be visible in the release mode, and that's the report of chunk generation speed that's set to display each 2 seconds if the chunk generator hasn't run out of chunks to generate within that time. Can't really call it spamming, can you?

As for the terrain composition, yes, I'm aware of the missing features, I just wanted to optimize the noise generation first, so that the generator is fast enough for use, and only then finish the details.
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RE: Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation - by xoft - 05-13-2013, 02:09 AM

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