Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation
I found a new hobby in Vanilla - I place glass on the patches of sand on the ocean floor and then dig out the sand (to produce more glass). Makes a great underwater dome, or rather, a maze.

Related to this, I found out that MCServer's ocean floor is not flat enough for my hobby. There are just too many hills. This brought my attention to the base height generator. It uses the same amplitude everywhere, resulting in somewhat dull heightmap. What we need is variance - places with higher amplitude, so it generates some hills, and places with low amplitude, generating almost a plain.

The easiest way to do it would be to multiply the Perlin noise we're currently using as the heightmap generator with another very-low-frequency noise. The very-low-frequency noise will attenuate the amplitude of the entire noise.
An alternate version would be to the Perlin nose - take out the middle octave, generate it separately, multiply it with a low-frequency noise and then add it up to the Perlin noise. This might preserve at least some of the characteristics of the biome.

Not sure which is better, I guess I'll have to try both out to see.
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RE: Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation - by xoft - 06-17-2013, 06:39 AM

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