Proposal: Kick on unsupported feature
Wouldn't it be wiser, to just have a black-list per version.
Like if i run latest cuberite, and i set version to 1.7 there would be a config for 1.7
blacklist-1.7.conf and it would contain all blocks that are not compatible with this version and the server will simply not generate those.
Having a

section in there would fix a ton ? not sure if this is already something thats done or voted against.
just read this and was like uhmz.
The configs could be updated for every new version, though not sure if the generators will be messed up cause of this.
cause some structure like things might need those new blocks, so a
[structure] section might be needed as well to block some of those.

could also be simply a replace with option instead of removing.
redsand=sand if in this case redsand is not supported.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Proposal: Kick on unsupported feature - by ThuGie - 01-26-2017, 05:04 AM

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