Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation
Come to think about it, it may not only solve the river problems, but it may also be faster to generate. Wow, why didn't I think of it earlier?

Simple - for each biome we'll have a min terrain height and a max terrain height. The height generator will first query biomes around each column, do an 7*7 neighbor weighted average of both the min and the max height, and remeber that. Then, a single Perlin noise will be generated in the [0 .. 1] range and will be converted to values between the min and the max for each column, thus giving the terrain height at that column.

This doesn't have overhangs, but I have a feeling overhangs are generated completely differently in Vanilla anyway, so we'll have to find another way as well. For one thing, the vanilla overhangs have sharp edges, ours are round. Second, I've never seen a vanilla double-overhang, while it's completely possible for ours to do so.
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RE: Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation - by xoft - 11-01-2014, 06:48 AM

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