[Solved] MCServer Questions: Running as Service / Running in VS
The suggestions worked.

I was able to get the MCServer server to run under MSVS by changing the setting related to the startup project. I also successfully added the debugging symbols. This was a great suggestion. I am used to configuring symbols under WinDbg, but it never dawned on me to do this under MSVS, but then again most of my development has either been done by either using notepad or vi as an IDE.

As far as using the wrapper to run the MCServer server as a service, the wrapper does close stdin. I added some additional C# code to keep the stream open. The MCServer server runs and I'm able to connect using the Minecraft client; however, once connected and inside the MCServer Minecraft world the world crashes with an uncaught exception and the error mentioning an invalid parameter being passed to a function. The error appears to occur with the deletion of a pointer as part of a linked list (STL) of world blocks or similar. Unless this is a bug being introduced by the wrapper, my next step will be to look at the MCServer code to have it run without the stdin console. I was sort of hoping to avoid this.

For what it is worth the error is occurring in,
void cSetChunkData::RemoveInvalidBlockEntities(void)
delete *itr;

I'm not a huge fan of Java (though it does have its place) and I really think that MCServer has some huge advantages being written in C++. I'm hoping that MCServer works out as I'm not crazy about the alternatives.

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RE: MCServer Questions: Running as Service / Running in VS - by TealFrog - 09-01-2014, 03:42 PM

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