Arguments in favor of the name change.
  • The name it is extremely generic - expanding to “MineCraft Server”, which leads to confusion from people who hear about “MCServer” and think it’s just some new minecraft server or something. A more unique name would also increase the discoverability of the project, by increasing search rankings on branded queries and reducing the confusion of people using “MCServer” in general speech.

  • Since the name expands to “MineCraft Server”, it is could be construed to violate Notch Development AB’s trademarks and it therefore leaves the project vulnerable to legal action by Notch Development AB to protect their IP. This is a VERY IMPORTANT issue, it could completely ruin the project and should make a name change the top priority.

  • The current name of MCServer is also fairly hard to pronounce - “M C Server” rather than a simpler name like “Bukkit” or “Cube-right”.
    At the current time, there is no consistent brand for MCServer. By rebranding the online assets of MCServer at the same time as changing the name we could reduce overall effort and create a more consistent identity for the project. Rebranding and homogenisation of online presence would also be also easier after a name change, because “Cuberite” usernames are free in many places, whereas “MCServer” usernames and domain names are mostly taken and hard to come by.

  • Now would also be a good time to change the name of the project, as it has relatively few people who know about it, in comparison with mature Minecraft server projects like Bukkit or Spigot. It would be better to change the name of the project now rather than wait until later, when it would be much harder, if not impossible to change the name.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Arguments in favor of the name change. - by bearbin - 05-25-2015, 02:44 AM

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