Obligatory "I ruined everything!" thread
Rev 639:
Removed the cWorld:GetPlayer() function both from the API and from the C++ code altogether, it was unsafe. Use cWorld:ForEachPlayer() instead
Added the cWorld:DoWithPlayer() function to both C++ code and the Lua API. It takes two arguments, a player name and a callback to call. It works similar to ForEachPlayer(), but calls the callback only up to once, with the player with the specified name. Returns true if the player was found, false if not. Callback return value is ignored.

Here's an actual code snippet that works with DoWithPlayer():
function HandleKillPlayer(Split, InitiatorPlayer)
    -- InitiatorPlayer is valid throughout this function, even within the local function KillPlayer()
    local World = cRoot:Get():GetDefaultWorld()
    local PlayerName = Split[2] or ""
    if (PlayerName == "") then
        InitiatorPlayer:SendMessage(cChatColor.Green .. "Expected the player name to kill as the parameter")
        return true

    local KillPlayer = function(Player)
        -- Player is valid only within this function, it cannot be stord and used later!
        Player:SendMessage("Incoming gift from " .. InitiatorPlayer:GetName() .. " to " .. PlayerName .. ": " .. (Split[3] or ""))
        Player:TakeDamage(100, InitiatorPlayer)
        HasFound = true
    if (not(World:DoWithPlayer(PlayerName, KillPlayer))) then
        InitiatorPlayer:SendMessage(cChatColor.Green .. "Could not find player " .. PlayerName)
    return true
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Obligatory "I ruined everything!" thread - by xoft - 07-02-2012, 09:27 PM

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