Mobs Spawn (and probably despawn and Tick)
(07-11-2013, 12:12 AM)xoft Wrote: How did you move the mob ticking into cWorld? The mobs are owned by the chunk that they belong to, I have rewritten it to be so for various reasons, so ticking the mobs makes sense only in the chunk's tick method.
You'll see what i propose. I'm not revolutioning things.

(07-11-2013, 12:12 AM)xoft Wrote: The "inside a block" warning is due to us not having a proper collision detection implemented yet
Not sure it's only that.
A monster facing a small step should not try to jump diagonally, but jump vertically, then go horizontally.
A monster facing a tree should not try to jump over it.
A good collision algorithm will only transform ghost-mobs (mobs that go through walls) into dumb mobs (mobs that try to go through wall but doesn't succeed)

(07-11-2013, 12:12 AM)xoft Wrote: it should be safe to ignore it for now and commit your work without handling it.
Ok, that's what i wanted to be sure. Thanks.

(07-11-2013, 12:12 AM)xoft Wrote: IA: is that supposed to be artificial intelligence? Usually that's abbreviated to AI
Yeah, French people tend to use reverse order. Sorry for that.

(07-11-2013, 12:12 AM)xoft Wrote: Our AI is terrible, really, and any attempts to improve on it have only led to people becoming fed up with the project and leaving. The last such victim is Keyboard, he said he'd try to make something out of it, but we haven't heard from him for some time now.
Sorry to read that.

(07-11-2013, 12:12 AM)xoft Wrote: As for the random - what are you using in the end?
For now : nothing.

(07-11-2013, 12:12 AM)xoft Wrote: I still think that using the cNoise class with a counter would have been the best option here, it's both thread-safe enough and performant enough.
cNoise is good enough for me, but I think I'll a a coder-friendly method that return an integer in the specified range. As I didn't succeed to find one (the existing one need me to do the math at each call).

Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mobs Spawn (and probably despawn and Tick) - by mgueydan - 07-11-2013, 02:06 AM

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