(04-03-2013, 10:35 PM)xoft Wrote: For those of us unfamiliar with other servers' plugins, you might want to include a little description for each, so that there's at least a little insight into what's going on 
-home plugins are simple. The concept is, you build a house and then you '/sethome'. Then, whilst exploring, you can '/home' to teleport yourself to your house.
-area protection plugins are a little bit varying, so better let the op explain him/her-self.
-hunger games plugins: like the popular trilogy, it is a fight to the death. It works thus: some players from a server join the Hunger Games, teleporting themselves thus to a new world. If a special lobby (only for those contestants) is available, the players teleport there. Their number is limited to a maximum of 24 usually. There is an X minutes waiting for players to gather, which is often filled with a voting about which fighting map they want (if there is such a choice) and after X minutes they are teleported to the fighting map (unless they are not enough). If there is no lobby they go directly to the fighting map (which can be randomly chosen by the server, if need be). There they are set upon one block each, restrained from moving from their blocks. The blocks from a circle, in the middle of which there are some chests. A count-down begins in the chat (great clocks built in the map are not uncommon). Time's up and the players are able to move from their blocks. They go ahead and kill annihilate each other. The thing is that the map in which they were unleashed is filled with traps, hiding spots and hidden chests. Needless to say that the map is not generated by the server but pre-made by some map maker. The server just fills the chests (not fulling them, just 3-6 blocks) with things that might help the players, aka tributes. An other timer begins, for Y time. When it gets to the last 15/10/5/1 mins it informs the players. On the last 10 seconds there is a final countdown. If the players have not killed each other and there are more than 1 players standing, they are teleported to the arena. There they have Z time to kill each other, in the end of which if they are still alive there is a tie. The go back to the world they came and the server resets the HungerGames world that ended (there might be more than one, either each one featuring a different map, or neutral of map so that it either is random or voted). Note that X is usually around 2-5 minutes, Y around 20-45 and Z around 2-5. When a player dies, he might be sent back to the world he came, or choose to spectate the games (if such an option is available).
For further information, refer to the original poster