09-16-2014, 02:00 AM
Note that Info.lua needs to have a capital I, otherwise it won't work on case-sensitive filesystems, such as on most Linuxes.
You either use the Info.lua file or the BindCommand function; usually not both at the same time.
Note that Info.lua is really just a descriptor table, in order to register the commands, you need to do this:
The Alias can be either a single string, or an array-table of strings.
You either use the Info.lua file or the BindCommand function; usually not both at the same time.
Note that Info.lua is really just a descriptor table, in order to register the commands, you need to do this:
-- Load the InfoReg shared library: dofile(cPluginManager:GetPluginsPath() .. "/InfoReg.lua") -- Bind all the commands: RegisterPluginInfoCommands(); -- Bind all the console commands: RegisterPluginInfoConsoleCommands();This will load an aux library that provides the actual guts to Info.lua command handling, and can register the commands and console commands for you.
The Alias can be either a single string, or an array-table of strings.