Avatar Plugin
Also, could you tell me whether the plugin i requested is possible or not?
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Depends. If you want nice animations then it's pretty difficult, but if you want it to look static then it's pretty simple. For example in the ice-make plugin when I use "Ice-make lance" I could have made it a static line of ice that went in the direction where the player was looking to, but I created an animation by creating falling block entity that goes to the proper direction and only hits entities when he's close.
Thanks given by: KittyPanda
Ive got another question how do you have to do to get the magic plugin to work?

Never mind i got it!!!
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You mean how to install it or how to work with it after you install it?
  • Install
    Extract into plugins folder and add "Plugin=Magic-master" in the settings.ini
  • Use
    /magic <MagicName>
    After that it's up to the magic itself to decide how to work with it.
Thanks given by: KittyPanda

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