10-10-2014, 07:06 AM
Im trying to create a plugin that spawns a mob via command, having downloaded the newest version from the website this is the error message I am receiving and my code.
Warn [15:45:42] LUA: Plugins/mine/spawnmob.lua:30: error in function 'SpawnMob'.
argument #-1806946488 is array of '[no object]'; array of 'H‹\$@¸' expected.
Warn [15:45:42] Stack trace:
Warn [15:45:42] [C](-1): SpawnMob
Warn [15:45:42] Plugins/mine/spawnmob.lua(30): (no name)
Warn [15:45:42] Stack trace end
Warn [15:45:42] Error in plugin mine calling function <callback>()
function HandleSpawnMobCommand(Split, Player) -- Make sure there are a correct number of arguments. if ((#Split ~= 2) and (#Split ~=3)) then Player:SendMessage("Usage: /spawnmob <mobname> [number]" ) return true end -- Mob name as typed in by the player local MobName = Split[2] -- Mob Type based local MobType = cMonster:StringToMobType(Split[2]) if MobType == -1 then Player:SendMessage("Mob " .. MobName .. " not found") return true end if Split[3] ~= nil then -- Don't allow more then 10 mobs to be spawned at once. local ammount = tonumber(Split[3]) if ammount > 10 then Player:SendMessage("Max mob spawn is 10.") ammount = 10 end for i=0,ammount do Player:GetWorld():SpawnMob(Player:GetPosX(), Player:GetPosY(), Player:GetPosZ(), MobType) end Player:SendMessage("Spawned " .. ammount .. " " .. MobName .. "s") return true else Player:GetWorld():SpawnMob(Player:GetPosX(), Player:GetPosY(), Player:GetPosZ(), MobType) Player:SendMessage("Spawned 1 " .. MobName) end return true; end