I think i still have a lua plugin for this, for a minecraft classic :p.
Long long ago i made it cause i got tired of people.
Though make sure there is a way so they can always get back to the house..
Like i said you build a house, i cant destroy it, i put dirt around it. you cant access your house anymore.
Looked it up quickly and it seems it was python.
Useless but oh well, back in the day it helped me a ton!
Edit:Err. sorry it seems to be the wrong plugin this is not the one i was talking about.
I think its this one
It uses sql, perhaps it can be a simple example.
Long long ago i made it cause i got tired of people.
Though make sure there is a way so they can always get back to the house..
Like i said you build a house, i cant destroy it, i put dirt around it. you cant access your house anymore.
Looked it up quickly and it seems it was python.
#Made by ThuGie
#This plugin has been made to provide a basic extra antiGrief system
#Make sure the zone plugin is enabled since it uses the zone plugin to punish griefers.
#If a griefer tries to destroy a zoned building he gets a point does he do it again another and again a ban.
#It starts with a 1 week ban after a week and the users tries it again it increases a week each time he tries it.
from core.pluginmanager import PluginBase, Hooks, PluginManager
from core.packet import PacketWriter
from core.constants import *
from core.console import *
class antiGriefingPlugin(PluginBase):
griefDB = "GrieferDBPlugin"
ZoneKey = "Zones"
def OnLoad(self):
self.PluginMgr.RegisterHook(self, self.OnAttemptPlaceBlock, Hooks.ON_ATTEMPT_PLACE_BLOCK)
def OnAttemptPlaceBlock(self, pWorld, pPlayer, BlockValue, x, y, z):
Zones = self.GetWorldZones(pWorld)
if Zones is None:
return True
for pZone in Zones:
if pZone.Check(pPlayer, x, y, z) == False:
grieferPoints = int(pPlayer.GetPermanentPluginData(antiGriefingPlugin.griefDB) or 0)
grieferPoints +=1
if grieferPoints % 7:
pPlayer.SendMessage("&4[AntiGrief] &cThis is strike %d/7 watch out!" % (grieferPoints % 7))
Console.Out("AntiGrief", "Marked \"%s\" as griefer" % (pPlayer.GetName()))
pPlayer.ServerControl.SetRank("AntiGrief", pPlayer.GetName(), "Griefer")
pPlayer.ServerControl.SendChatMessage("", "&4[AntiGrief] " + pPlayer.GetName() + " &chas been marked as a griefer!", NormalStart = False)
return True
def GetWorldZones(self, pWorld):
return None if not pWorld.HasDataStoreEntry(antiGriefingPlugin.ZoneKey) else pWorld.GetDataStoreEntry(antiGriefingPlugin.ZoneKey)
Useless but oh well, back in the day it helped me a ton!
Edit:Err. sorry it seems to be the wrong plugin this is not the one i was talking about.
I think its this one
#Made by ThuGie
from core.pluginmanager import PluginBase, Hooks, PluginManager
from core.commandhandler import CommandObject
from core.world import MetaDataKey
from core.constants import *
from core.console import *
import sqlite3 as dbapi
import os.path
import shutil
import time
from datetime import timedelta
class blocklogPlugin(PluginBase):
Instance = None
def OnLoad(self):
blocklogPlugin.Instance = self
if os.path.exists("Worlds/BlockLog") == False:
self.DBConnection = dbapi.connect("Worlds/BlockLog/beta.db", timeout = 0.1)
self.DBConnection.text_factory = str
self.DBCursor = self.DBConnection.cursor()
Result = self.DBCursor.execute("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master where name='Blocklog' and type='table'")
except dbapi.OperationalError:
raise WorldLoadFailedException
if Result.fetchone() is None:
self.DBCursor.execute("CREATE TABLE Blocklog (Offset INTEGER NOT NULL,Username TEXT,Time INTEGER,OldValue INTEGER,World TEXT)")
self.DBCursor.execute("CREATE INDEX Lookup ON Blocklog (Offset,OldValue,Time)")
self.DBCursor.execute("CREATE INDEX Deletion ON Blocklog (Username,World)")
self.PluginMgr.RegisterHook(self, self.onPlace, Hooks.ON_ATTEMPT_PLACE_BLOCK)
self.AddCommand("undogrief", undoCmd, 'admin', 'Undo griefing!', '', 1)
def onPlace(self, pWorld, pPlayer, BlockValue, x, y, z):
Offset = pWorld._CalculateOffset(x,y,z)
BlockValue = ord(pWorld.Blocks[Offset])
self.DBConnection.execute("INSERT INTO Blocklog (Offset,Username,Time,OldValue,World) VALUES (%d,'%s',%d,%d,'%s')" % (int(Offset), pPlayer.GetName(),int(time.time() * 1000),int(BlockValue),pWorld.Name))
except dbapi.OperationalError:
Console.Out("blocklog","failed at adding into blocklog!")
except dbapi.Error as e:
print("An error occurred:", e.args[0])
return True
class undoCmd(CommandObject):
def Run(self, pPlayer, Args, Message):
if pPlayer.GetWorld().LogBlocks == False:
pPlayer.SendMessage("&RBlock logging is not enabled!")
ReversePlayer = Args[0]
pPlayer.SendMessage("&S%s actions are being reversed. This may take a few moments" % ReversePlayer)
DBCursor = blocklogPlugin.Instance.DBCursor
DBConnection = blocklogPlugin.Instance.DBConnection
SQLResult = DBCursor.execute("SELECT Offset,OldValue,Time from Blocklog where Username = ? and World = ? ORDER BY Time DESC", (ReversePlayer,pPlayer.GetWorld().Name))
except dbapi.OperationalError:
Console.Debug("blocklog", "Failed query 1")
NumChanged = 0
while True:
Rows = SQLResult.fetchmany(10000)
if len(Rows) == 0:
for Row in Rows:
if len(Row) == 3:
SQLResultb = DBCursor.execute("SELECT OldValue,Username,Offset,Time FROM Blocklog where Offset = ? and Time > ? and World = ? and Username <> ?", [Row[0],Row[2],pPlayer.GetWorld().Name,ReversePlayer])
except dbapi.OperationalError:
Console.Debug("blocklog", "Failed query 2")
except dbapi.Error as e:
print("An error occurred:", e.args[0])
Rowsb = SQLResultb.fetchmany(1)
if len(Rowsb) == 0:
x, y, z = pPlayer.GetWorld()._CalculateCoords(Row[0])
pPlayer.GetWorld().SetBlock(pPlayer, x, y, z, Row[1], ResendToClient = True)
NumChanged += 1
for RowB in Rowsb:
pPlayer.SendMessage("UPDATE Blocklog SET OldValue = %s WHERE Username = %s and Offset = %s and Time = %s" % (RowB[0],RowB[1],RowB[2],RowB[3]))
DBCursor.execute("UPDATE Blocklog SET OldValue = ? WHERE Username = ? and Offset = ? and Time = ?", [Row[1],RowB[1],RowB[2],RowB[3]])
Console.Out("test","Changed %d" % NumChanged)
SQLResult3 = DBCursor.execute("DELETE FROM Blocklog WHERE Username = ? and World = ?", [ReversePlayer,pPlayer.GetWorld().Name])
except dbapi.OperationalError:
Console.Debug("blocklog", "Failed query 3")
It uses sql, perhaps it can be a simple example.