Generating 1.8 terrain
Can MCServer generate a world with the new 1.8 elements (diorite, graphite, ...) ?
I generated a new world using the latest release of MCServer and there was only stone underground.

Maybe I configured something wrong ? I noticed the server said it was compatible with 1.7.x and 1.8 clients. Do I have to force it to be compatible only with 1.8 clients ?

Will it continue expanding a world generated by the vanilla .jar file in the same way (even with custom generation parameters)?
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Add "NaturalPatches" to the finishers in your world.ini. Then the server will generate dirt, gravel but also the new 1.8 stone types underground.

You can use plugins to limit the protocol version to only one.

MCServer will not continue generating the world in the vanilla way. You'll see borders on the newly generated chunks. This is simply because MCServer uses it's own world generator.
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Thanks! That worked exactly as expected. Smile

Do we have access to similar parameters as in the vanilla version to customize world generation (like in 1.8) ? I looked on the wiki but I didn't find what I was looking for. I'm interested specifically in reducing the biome sizes.

I looked in the world.ini size and this paramter might be the right one to change :

I also noticed there was a section called : [LInkedWorlds]. Can I add custom entries to this section to have mutiple worlds on my server ? (accessible through command blocks for example)
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LinkedWorlds is to configure how the worlds link with nether portals and end portals AFAIK.

To make a new world you have to make a new world folder with world.ini for configuration. You might need to add that folder to some other ini file, but I'm not sure about that.
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MCS is multi-world capable out of the box, you just need to add the world's name to settings.ini section [Worlds]:
Each of the world names then signifies a folder that the server will open, search for world.ini there (and create a default one if it doesn't exists) and create a world there. The DefaultWorld entry is basically the same, only the world is special - players connecting to your server for the first time will spawn in that world.
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