Permissions list..?
Hello! I am new here, I have successfully set up a server and installed a couple of plugins and configured them aswell... How ever I don't see how I can give basic permissions to users such as help and spawn, I tried adding core.spawn and to the default's permissions but it's not working... Any assistance would be greatly apreciated!
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(11-13-2014, 03:14 AM)Antwns Wrote: Hello! I am new here, I have successfully set up a server and installed a couple of plugins and configured them aswell... How ever I don't see how I can give basic permissions to users such as help and spawn, I tried adding core.spawn and to the default's permissions but it's not working... Any assistance would be greatly apreciated!
Which plugins have you installed?

Core's permission list is located here: You have to reload or restart your server after adding the permissions.
Thanks given by: Antwns
Hello, welcome to the forum.

If you need the list of permissions, you will need to look at each of your plugins' documentation, each plugin should document what permissions it operates on.

If you're looking for a way to assign permissions to players, currently this is only possible using the webadmin interface. Therefore, you need to enable it first (put your desired login and password into webadmin.ini). Also make sure you have the Core plugin installed, as it is the plugin providing the user interface for the permissions.

The permission system in MCServer uses the concept of ranks and permission groups. A rank is something you assign to a player, it defines who they are (admin, op, regular user etc.), what their messages look like in the chat (prefix color) and what permission groups they have. Each permission group is just a named list of permissions, so that you can have a group like "worldedit users" and add that group to both the admins and ops ranks.

You can edit the permission groups in the Core -> Permissions page of the webadmin, and add the permission groups to ranks in the Core -> Ranks page. You can assign a rank to a player either through the webadmin's Core -> Players page, or in the server console using the "rank <name> <rank>" command, or in-game (if you have the core.rank permission) using the "/rank <name> <rank>" command.
Thanks given by: Antwns
Also note that the users.ini and groups.ini files are obsolete and aren't used by the server anymore (except for migrating old data, when the new permission database (permissions.sqlite) doesn't exist. So if you create such a file, it will not be taken into account anymore, and any edits in those files will be useless.
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Erm... I did enable the interface and added permissions... They just don't work no matter how many times I reload/restart the server... I did everything you mentioned above! I have enabled the plugin and everything!
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You have to be more precise then that. Simply "it doesn't work" doesn't help us solving the problem. What doesn't work? Do you get an error? Do you get any tabs in the webadmin?
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(11-13-2014, 08:32 PM)STR_Warrior Wrote: You have to be more precise then that. Simply "it doesn't work" doesn't help us solving the problem. What doesn't work? Do you get an error? Do you get any tabs in the webadmin?
I changed/added the permissions groups have from the webadmin adress according to the core's readme file, and permissions from other plugins I installed, then I reloaded the serverand the permissions where not updated... For example... I added to the default group, sill the rank that inherits permissions from the default group doesn't have access to the /help command, restarting the server won't do anything either :/
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So, to sum up, you went to webadmin, Core -> Permissions, clicked the Edit permissions button for the Default group, and added the permission to the group. When you now go back to the Core -> Permissions page, is the permission listed with the group? When you go to the Core -> Ranks, what is the default rank (at the bottom of the page) and does it include the group you edited?

You don't need to reload the server when changing permissions. Players will automatically update when they connect, so you only need to kick the currently online players to update them. Also, when you change a player's rank, they get reloaded automatically.
Thanks given by: Antwns
(11-14-2014, 07:13 PM)xoft Wrote: So, to sum up, you went to webadmin, Core -> Permissions, clicked the Edit permissions button for the Default group, and added the permission to the group. When you now go back to the Core -> Permissions page, is the permission listed with the group? When you go to the Core -> Ranks, what is the default rank (at the bottom of the page) and does it include the group you edited?

You don't need to reload the server when changing permissions. Players will automatically update when they connect, so you only need to kick the currently online players to update them. Also, when you change a player's rank, they get reloaded automatically.
Default rank:Default
Inherits permissions from group default, permissions listed are gm.change core.gamemode as tests
Neither of the permissions above work... And yes I did the process you mentioned above
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Nevermind! It was an issue with a broken gamemode-changing plugin! The permissions are working now! Thank you everyone!Big Grin
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