Yeah, you read the title right Smile

I've been playing with the thought for a few months, I think it'd be nice to get together a few of MCServer's developers, say for a weekend, and do a group source-grind - sit together in a room and implement stuff for MCS. We won't be sitting at home where there are too many things to break our concentration, this will be a full immersion Smile

From what I've gathered, there are other people wanting to do this. So why not, let's do it!

The trouble is, when and where. I have no experience with these things, but I think it'll take at least three months to organize - choose a date, find a suitable location, arrange for transport and accommodation and possibly a secondary program, get a leave from work / school if needed etc. The "where" is even more problematic. I think we can pretty much agree that we want the meeting somewhere in Europe, since most of us are from around the "Old continent".

If I remember correctly, we have people from the Netherlands, from Germany, from the UK, from Spain and a Czech. We used to have French people, but I'm not sure they're around any more. We used to have a few Russians, haven't heard from them for a while.
Additionally, we need someone at the destination to actually take care of things, so we can't agree on a "neutral location" where there's no-one.

This all makes it rather difficult to decide. So let's try to come up with options:

I can make the arrangements for the event to take place in Prague, CZ. I can find a place for us to meet, I can help people with accommodation, I can help find an alternative program if you're coming with a significant other or staying for a few more days than just the MCSCon.

Would you be willing to come to Prague?

Or, alternatively, will you organize the event in your city?

Please only reply to this thread if you're seriously considering this, don't spam it with "I wanna go *but* ..."
Thanks given by: sphinxc0re , NiLSPACE
I'd love to come! Smile Maybe I can travel with Thugie or FakeTruth if they come as well.
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Why not meet in the middle?
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SphinxC0re Wrote:Why not meet in the middle?

"Additionally, we need someone at the destination to actually take care of things, so we can't agree on a "neutral location" where there's no-one." Smile
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For the middlepoint, we'd need everyone to give their addresses, at least home towns; some people won't like that.
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I will say, prague is way too far for me, nor do i have money enough to travel somewhere so far.
I would even find it hard to travel to the other-side of the netherlands, so you can probably count me out.
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(12-08-2014, 07:09 PM)xoft Wrote: Would you be willing to come to Prague?

My wife is a flight attendant, so I fly for free. Smile I could come. As long as I don't end up like this again:

[Image: IMGP0106.JPG]
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The midpoint so far is quite close to the boundary between Germany and Netherlands, so maybe our NL friends could take over the organization? Smile
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We could try. The main question I think is then once again where.
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Give us an option (or even multiple options), maybe someone in the UK can make another option and then we vote, which are acceptable for whom. And we choose the option with the most people.
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