Inventory issues
(04-25-2015, 09:50 PM)xoft Wrote: Looking at the protocol specification ( ), 0x302 is the middle button click. What is that supposed to do?
I made a lookup in the mentioned wiki. Voilà:
"Starting from version 1.5, “painting mode” is available for use in inventory windows. It is done by picking up stack of something (more than 1 item), then holding mouse button (left, right or middle) and dragging held stack over empty (or same type in case of right button) slots. In that case client sends the following to server after mouse button release (omitting first pickup packet which is sent as usual):

1. packet with mode 5, slot -999, button (0 for left | 4 for right);
2. packet for every slot painted on, mode is still 5, button (1 | 5);
3. packet with mode 5, slot -999, button (2 | 6);

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